lol. what a load of shit this article is.
"Adding another Trump nominee under disputed circumstances could throw any good faith the Supreme Court has built into question and cause the American public to view the judiciary branch as even more of a partisan tool."
disputed how exactly? let's see ...
Compared to the other two branches of government, the American public’s faith in the
Supreme Court is relatively high. But the reputation of the nation’s high court could change in an instant if a highly polarizing president moves to fill a third spot on the bench less than two months before the 2020 election.
The death of
Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday instantly raises the stakes of the presidential race. It could also send the third branch of the U.S. government spiraling even further toward a legitimacy crisis.
Polls last year
found that the Supreme Court has mostly positive public support. About 68% of Americans think it will act in the public’s best interest, while a majority approve of the job the court does. Half of the country considered the court moderate. Most of the American public
views the court not as individual jurists but as a collective.
Adding another Trump nominee under disputed circumstances could throw any good faith the Supreme Court has built into question and cause the American public to view the judiciary branch as even more of a partisan tool.
Trump, despite winning the Electoral College in 2016, lost the popular vote by nearly 2.9 million votes. Two of his Supreme Court nominees have been confirmed by the Senate, the legislative body that has been called “
Affirmative Action for White People” and “
America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution.”
The Democratic-controlled House, which more accurately reflects the will of the American people, doesn’t have any say in the process.
ah yes. the popular vote argument again. can't stop beating that dead horse can they?
"Affirmative Action for White People". interesting. "America's Most Structurally Racist Institution". if they say so.
but Congress is the very bastion of diversity! apparently whoever wrote this was too lazy to do a googly search!
For the fifth time in a row, the new Congress is the most racially and ethnically diverse ever
maybe so .. however from the same article ..
The freshman class includes at least 23 people of color, bringing minority representation in Congress to about 22 percent. All newly elected people of color are members of the House, with all the newly elected senators being white.
Over a third of incoming House Democrats identify as people of color, though just 2 percent of incoming House Republicans do.
Overall, 55 black members will serve in the 116th Congress, comprising slightly more than 10 percent of the legislature, and 44 lawmakers in the new class are Hispanic or Latino.
Four Native Americans will serve, including Rep. Sharice Davids of Kansas and Rep. Deb Haaland of New Mexico, the first Native American women in Congress.
So .. 22 percent of members is enough for this author to claim Congress is representative of the people? but the Senate is a bunch of white racists? isn't such a statement racist in itself? bahhaaaa
Ginsburg’s dying wish was that she “not be replaced until a new president is installed,” according to NPR. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) quickly indicated he’d ignore that wish, issuing a statement hours after her death was announced indicating that Trump’s nominee “will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.”
Sorry Ruthie. it doesn't work that way. i wonder did she also put that in her will?
The precise timing of the process, whether the vote will take place before the election or between the election and the next inauguration, is unclear.
Many Democrats already consider Neil Gorsuch’s position on the court a “
stolen” seat. Justice Antonin Scalia died nearly eight months before the 2016 election, but McConnell refused to consider President Barack Obama’s nominee to replace him.
If Trump wins the election in November and Republicans maintain control of the Senate, the whole thing will be a wash. But if he loses, or if the Senate swings to Democrats, more than half the country will see it as an illegitimate institution. If Democrats see the deeply partisan process as fundamentally unfair, it could set off an arms race to pack the court in an attempt to rectify what they see as a corrupt process. And the Supreme Court’s reputation may be permanently, and irreversibly, altered.
interesting that there is no citation for the author? could just be a typo/bad posting. or maybe Yahoo now goes by anonymous writers .. like the Atlantic and its anonymous sources claiming Trump disrespected the Military?