Originally Posted by Majichands
Well I got stood up by 3 people 2 I have seen before in Midland and Odessa last week. 1 said he was running 20 minutes late then when I called in 30 minutes to get status ..oh I was going to call you I cant make it after all..ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? I turned down 3 people needing that exact hr. This is why girls double book and first one there gets it and second guy has to just wait.(I will not do that but I see why some do) other one text 2 days later wanting an appointment after standing me up.
IT TOTALLY SUCKS WHEN THAT HAPPENS TO EITHER PARTY. Never expected it from people you've seen before.I truly understand when life happens but to not text or call sucks.
Sorry that happened to you.
Do you put the girls in a NO FUCK OFF LIST AND VIW NEVER TO SEE THEM?
Ouch! I have a song started along those lines.

Need more of this perspective from the other side.
Yes, I save numbers in my phone, and those who don't respond get that stored in place of their name, so I know before I even try to text them again. (There is even a special "Scammer" category in my phone for when that is appropriate. And recently, a "Thief!" added to the list.)
With that said, it may be time to suck up my pride a bit in order to just get an appointment. I do wish more were dependable and professional, as you are, Maj. But sometimes a guy has to do what a guy has to do. And a gal, I suppose.