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Old 05-31-2020, 06:06 AM   #1
dilbert firestorm
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Default George Floyd police video



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Old 05-31-2020, 07:08 AM   #2
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The cop on the right on the NBC freeze frame looks like Mike Flynn...all them crooks are starting to look alike
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Old 05-31-2020, 07:16 AM   #3
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would he happen to know George sleepy floyd mayweather, who happen to be
guarding jesus tomb who fell asleep, missing body, the bank money capital one
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Old 05-31-2020, 07:30 AM   #4
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called defense using vehical
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Old 05-31-2020, 01:42 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post

Thanks for finding what Tran "wouldn't". Now we know that Tran lied to us when he said Floyd did not resist arrest. We can not see what was going on just seconds before Floyd was on his stomach. The police car blocked the view. The narrator in the second clip suggests that Floyd resisted moving from one side of the vehicle to the other which "might" have ended up with him out side the vehicle on his stomach. Not co-operating with the police often ends with the police using force to make you comply. The simplest thing to do is to comply and not resist.

We can not see these events, period. Tran lied but then I suspected as much.

None of this justifies having a knee on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes, none of it. What we do see is clear evidence of extreme force, un-neccessary force that resulted in a man's death. I think 3rd degree murder is a charge that will stick. The other cops must be charged with something along the lines of failure of duty, failure to render assistance and even complicit to murder though I doubt that charge will be brought but wouldn't be surprised in this politically charged atmosphere.

People lie about what they see in the video to suit their narrative. Doesn't surprise me in the least.
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Old 05-31-2020, 01:50 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by UHB View Post

No, it's called using a vehicle as a weapon. That person is damned lucky the guy wasn't injured or killed.

The guy in Charlottesville was prosecuted and found guilty for doing that.

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Old 05-31-2020, 02:36 PM   #7
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you don't know WTF you are talking about, called defense and that person was injury a little maybe a few scratches
it all legal, you think your con judges know shit about anything

- collusion to used the military and other thing to rob emergency room time

- white people trying steal clip lip sister pretty dna egg operation: tim tebow cosco cos angle pie


would he happen to know George sleepy floyd mayweather, who happen to be
guarding jesus tomb who fell asleep, missing body, the bank money capital one
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Old 05-31-2020, 04:38 PM   #8
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Is UHB the new iteration of WTF????
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Old 05-31-2020, 05:15 PM   #9
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Yes. Or Yussup pretending to be WTF. it's too easy to spot them. They need to try harder.

Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Is UHB the new iteration of WTF????
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Old 05-31-2020, 06:34 PM   #10
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Old 05-31-2020, 06:43 PM   #11
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9500- glorifying violence rap and racism - and with it the violence, assaults, robbery, arson of the riots. - enabling the rioters- - and the black narrative that guns and violence are the answer when One is a rock / rap star. ???
go get on the WayBack radio to Robespierre. Try to remember - roberspierre went to the guillotine after a failed suicide attempt blew off his jaw. U might learn something from that!
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Old 05-31-2020, 06:55 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Thanks for finding what Tran "wouldn't". Now we know that Tran lied to us when he said Floyd did not resist arrest. We can not see what was going on just seconds before Floyd was on his stomach. The police car blocked the view. The narrator in the second clip suggests that Floyd resisted moving from one side of the vehicle to the other which "might" have ended up with him out side the vehicle on his stomach. Not co-operating with the police often ends with the police using force to make you comply. The simplest thing to do is to comply and not resist.

We can not see these events, period. Tran lied but then I suspected as much.

None of this justifies having a knee on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes, none of it. What we do see is clear evidence of extreme force, un-neccessary force that resulted in a man's death. I think 3rd degree murder is a charge that will stick. The other cops must be charged with something along the lines of failure of duty, failure to render assistance and even complicit to murder though I doubt that charge will be brought but wouldn't be surprised in this politically charged atmosphere.

People lie about what they see in the video to suit their narrative. Doesn't surprise me in the least.

WangChung didn't lie, he wants to believe all cops are dirty and racist. so of course he takes the "clip" showing the end as proof Floyd didn't resist. one wonders why Floyd didn't just leave? he could have before any cops arrived. if he knowingly tried to pass a fake bill and the store called him on it then he would have left immediately. only a stupid crook sticks around the scene. so why was Floyd still there? if he unknowingly had a fake bill and tried to spend it you'd think he'd just walk away and leave. was he actually waiting for the police thinking he'd get the bill back? why would he go wait in his car rather than the store or in front of it?

whatever the interaction by the store and Floyd over a suspected fake bill i think Floyd left not knowing the cops would be involved. so he was still sitting in his car for whatever reason when the first pair of cops arrived and went in the store. then they approached Floyd's car and the real incident began.

now that more video is out like the one i found showing the full encounter it's clear there was some struggle to get Floyd out of his car. either he wouldn't or couldn't. and for several minutes he is sitting while cuffed acting quiet. after they move him is when the officer who pinned him by the neck even appeared.

the critical part is blocked in the new video however it's likely Floyd became combative when told he was under arrest. there should be body cam video of that part if it hasn't been released and it exists it will be at some point. it could show Floyd becoming combative leading to the officers restraining him.

that officer did fuck up by holding Floyd down at the neck with his knee. after a few minutes at best it didn't seem like Floyd was a risk to flee he was on his stomach and cuffed. it's actually difficult to stand up with your hands cuffed from behind it's why the cops earlier helped him up before walking him across the street. common sense should tell that cop he was potentially causing this guy to die.
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Old 05-31-2020, 07:50 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
WangChung didn't lie, he wants to believe all cops are dirty and racist. so of course he takes the "clip" showing the end as proof Floyd didn't resist. one wonders why Floyd didn't just leave? he could have before any cops arrived. if he knowingly tried to pass a fake bill and the store called him on it then he would have left immediately. only a stupid crook sticks around the scene. so why was Floyd still there? if he unknowingly had a fake bill and tried to spend it you'd think he'd just walk away and leave. was he actually waiting for the police thinking he'd get the bill back? why would he go wait in his car rather than the store or in front of it?

whatever the interaction by the store and Floyd over a suspected fake bill i think Floyd left not knowing the cops would be involved. so he was still sitting in his car for whatever reason when the first pair of cops arrived and went in the store. then they approached Floyd's car and the real incident began.

now that more video is out like the one i found showing the full encounter it's clear there was some struggle to get Floyd out of his car. either he wouldn't or couldn't. and for several minutes he is sitting while cuffed acting quiet. after they move him is when the officer who pinned him by the neck even appeared.

the critical part is blocked in the new video however it's likely Floyd became combative when told he was under arrest. there should be body cam video of that part if it hasn't been released and it exists it will be at some point. it could show Floyd becoming combative leading to the officers restraining him.

that officer did fuck up by holding Floyd down at the neck with his knee. after a few minutes at best it didn't seem like Floyd was a risk to flee he was on his stomach and cuffed. it's actually difficult to stand up with your hands cuffed from behind it's why the cops earlier helped him up before walking him across the street. common sense should tell that cop he was potentially causing this guy to die.

Yeah, the video showed Floyd resisting getting out of the car but that ended with him standing and cuffs on. The cop car that was blocking what happened to Floyd was the car Floyd had been placed in and apparently, according to the narrator, wasn't co-operating and was probably pulled out to the ground and that is when the cop put his knee on his neck but at no time Mr. Tran, could we see why Floyd ended up on the ground. He was pulled out of that car for some reason. Why would you pull a cuffed suspect out of the back of a patrol car?

I don't know and neither does Tran. So the question is ( isn't it always ) did Tran knowingly lie because he doesn't give a crap what he says, the narrative is the only thing important to him and if he has to lie to tell it, lie he will or he was just "honestly" confused about what he saw.

You decide.
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Old 05-31-2020, 07:53 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by UHB View Post
you don't know WTF you are talking about, called defense and that person was injury a little maybe a few scratches
it all legal, you think your con judges know shit about anything

- collusion to used the military and other thing to rob emergency room time

- white people trying steal clip lip sister pretty dna egg operation: tim tebow cosco cos angle pie


would he happen to know George sleepy floyd mayweather, who happen to be
guarding jesus tomb who fell asleep, missing body, the bank money capital one

Are you taking night classes in English bro because damn! But not knowing English is, I guess, better than the alternative which is "dumb as a rock". Then again, it could be both. Yeah, my bet's on both.
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Old 05-31-2020, 07:56 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Is UHB the new iteration of WTF????

Naw, sadly enough WTF could actually speak and write English pretty good comparatively speaking. This guy, wholly crap! I'd really love to know if he wrote what he was thinking in his first language, if it would make any sense. Naw, probably not, that brain is fried.
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