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This must cause them a hard-on that Pfizer would be proud off. The honchos can screw the underclass however they want and blame it on Orange Man Bad. Fuck Bernie. Fuck Biden. Just open it up to the highest bidder. What about Mark Cuban? Gov Cuomo? Third times a charm Hillary!
Count cash, not votes. This is going to be a shit show deluxe.
To be fair, they having been working on their list of reasons to vote for Joe Biden for several weeks now and apparently the entire list was leaked below:
At least Biden won’t have to attempt making a speech.
Would it be that we should be so lucky? Nope.
In his recent fundraiser pod cast, Joe presented us with his thoughts about Covid-19 and his action plan:
…“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”…
I'll just leave that right there. It clearly speaks for itself.
To be fair, they having been working on their list of reasons to vote for Joe Biden for several weeks now and apparently the entire list was leaked below:
Reasons to vote for Joe Biden:
Everybody knows the Number one (and only) reason Biden’s will win.
Your like minded Shitholians will be affected by the virus worse than those who are doing their parts to stem the spread of the pandemic. They won’t be voting.
Would it be that simple, if not for 2 little things
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Creepy uncle joe has no chance. Besides the fact that the Bernout Bros will stay home in protest, President Trump will steamroll him at the debates.
You might just be underestimating the level of shenanigans the DNC is willing to inflict upon their own. To wit: polls and grumblings from Burn-me Bros are showing they might be willing to actually vote for Cuomo (not the Fredo version). In short, they would dump Joe "Placeholder' Biden in a New York second. Change my mind.
WYID - You present a reasonable scenario - Cuomo is trying his best to outshine Trump with his Trump-blaming daily propaganda rants.
The DNC knows biden is very weak - and do not want Bernie - it would be an epic rout in Nov. 2020.
I think lots of machinations are going on - inlcuding H.... - who desperately wants to be relevant again.
Who knows - maybe H... still has enough pull to wangle a VP slot.
In his recent fundraiser pod cast, Joe presented us with his thoughts about Covid-19 and his action plan:
…“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”…
I'll just leave that right there. It clearly speaks for itself.
You might just be underestimating the level of shenanigans the DNC is willing to inflict upon their own. To wit: polls and grumblings from Burn-me Bros are showing they might be willing to actually vote for Cuomo (not the Fredo version). In short, they would dump Joe "Placeholder' Biden in a New York second. Change my mind.
They would be smart to do it.
Cuomo is much more articulate than Biden, and younger.
Fredo would need to recuse himself from reporting, though.