Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Yous will make excuses for these buttsholes with your dying breath, eh?
Why would this be any different?
Glad yous sold your stocks. Now yous will survive the great toilet paper famine!
you obviously need aid as there is a marked gulf between what i wrote and your obvious misunderstanding of it as revealed in your post
I am not defending anyone
I am not in favor of insider trading
I think all such miscreants need to face the full weight of the law
but it needs to be insider trading, which is knowledge the general public cannot possibly glean, not mere prescience, so there is a question regarding that
two things made me do what i did in December
1. the corona incident in Wuhan
2. the fact the stock market kept going up and up and up, and I have been around long enough to know that couldn't continue, but it did for some time after