Yep. you knew this was coming. those stinky chinks and their shithole nation polluted from Beijing to Hong Kong caused thus virus with their pathetic food processing and now it's racist to call it the "Wuhan Virus". right!
Is it racist to call coronavirus the ‘Wuhan Virus’? GOP congressman’s self-quarantine tweet sparks a debate.
Antonia Noori Farzan
March 9, 2020 at 7:19 a.m. CDT
On Sunday night, Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.)
announced he would self-quarantine after having “sustained contact” with a Conservative Political Action Conference attendee who has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
Many praised the
controversial Arizona congressman, who along with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is one of two members of Congress in isolation, for taking precautionary measures despite not showing any symptoms. But many more objected to his choice of words: On his
personal Twitter account, Gosar called covid-19 “the Wuhan Virus."
“While I appreciate you self-quarantining and making a responsible decision, you don’t need to throw out dogwhistle racist terms while you do it,” said one typical response.
Cruz, Gosar say they interacted with CPAC patient and will self quarantine

Paul Gosar
Mar 8, 2020
1. I am announcing that I, along with 3 of my senior staff, are officially under self-quarantine after sustained contact at CPAC with a person who has since been hospitalized with the Wuhan Virus. My office will be closed for the week.

Eugene Gu, MD
Most people call it the coronavirus. Some call it Covid-19. But only the most ignorant and racist among us would call it the Wuhan virus.
9:05 PM · Mar 8, 2020
3.7K people are talking about this
After the disease caused by coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, China, in December, many media outlets, including The Washington Post, referred to it as the “Wuhan virus.” Then, in February, the World Health Organization named the illness covid-19, an appellation that was deliberately chosen so that it wouldn’t stigmatize a specific place or group of people.
Though the virus has spread far beyond Wuhan, some U.S. officials are still clinging to the old nickname. Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
raised eyebrows by referring to the “Wuhan virus” after China’s foreign ministry called it
“highly irresponsible” to do so. When Gosar followed suit on Sunday night, he was quickly labeled
racist and
“I will pray for you, your staff & the person hospitalized,”
responded Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) “Also, calling #COVIDー19 the Wuhan Virus is an example of the myopia that allowed it to spread in the US. The virus is not constrained by country or race. Be just as stupid to call it the Milan Virus.”

World Health Organization (WHO)
Mar 2, 2020
Replying to @WHOStigma can drive people away from seeking help by getting screened, tested and quarantined #COVID19 #coronavirus
World Health Organization (WHO)
When talking about #COVID19, certain words & language may have a negative meaning for people and fuel stigmatizing attitudes #coronavirus
DO - talk about the new
#coronavirus disease (
DON'T - attach locations or ethnicity to the disease, this is not a “Wuhan Virus”, “Chinese Virus” or “Asian Virus”. The official name for the disease was deliberately chosen to avoid stigmatization
official statement released by Gosar’s office on Sunday used the term “covid-19,” and spokesman Ben Goldey told The Post that the congressman’s decision to call it the “Wuhan virus” in a tweet from his personal account “did not have some sinister undertone or meaning.” Meanwhile, conservative commentators have
aggressively defended the nickname by pointing out that it was widely used in media coverage until about a month ago.

Michelle Malkin
THREAD Newsflash for virtue signaling ninny
@chrislhayes & moron mob attacking
@drpaulgosar - There are THOUSANDS of entries of mainstream news outlets including NBC, referring to "Wuhan Virus," as well as ASIAN media itself & top medical institutions calling it Wuhan Virus. /1

Chris Hayes
Just astoundingly gross to call it the Wuhan Virus.
9:22 PM · Mar 8, 2020
As Goldey pointed out in an email to The Post, there’s a long history of naming diseases after the place where they were discovered. Ebola was first detected in a village in the Congo that’s
near the Ebola River. Researchers studying mosquitoes in Uganda’s
Zika Forest were the first to identify the Zika virus. The first people to show symptoms of
Lyme disease were clustered around Lyme, Conn.
But public health officials are increasingly concerned that this naming convention can have devastating economic consequences, and lead to discrimination against people who are perceived as disease carriers because of their race or ethnicity.
“Now we have a much different sensibility and tolerance about how we refer to things,” Howard Markel, a medical historian at the University of Michigan, told
the Associated Press last month.
In 2015, the WHO issued
new protocols for naming diseases. The updated guidelines prohibit any references to geographic locations and animals (“bird flu”) or groups of people (“Legionnaires’ disease.”)
“We’ve seen certain disease names provoke a backlash against members of particular religious or ethnic communities, create unjustified barriers to travel, commerce and trade, and trigger needless slaughtering of food animals,”
said Keiji Fukuda, then the WHO’s assistant director-general for health security. “This can have serious consequences for people’s lives and livelihoods.”
After the coronavirus outbreak began in December, it took
weeks for the WHO to find a name that would adhere to the new criteria, and also be easy to pronounce. In the meantime, the agency
suggested using “2019-nCoV” as a temporary stand-in.
“I’m sure you have seen many media reports that are still calling this, using the name Wuhan or using China,” WHO epidemiologist Maria van Kerkhove explained,
according to Reuters. “We wanted to ensure that there was no stigma associated with this virus, and so we’ve put out this interim name.”
On Feb. 11, the WHO settled on covid-19. But during a news conference and appearances on CNBC and Fox News last week, Pompeo repeatedly referred to the disease as “the Wuhan virus” and “the Wuhan coronavirus."
Gosar used similar terminology on Sunday, when he announced he and three senior staffers had extended contact with an individual who tested positive for covid-19 after attending CPAC last month. Some critics
speculated the Republican congressman was trying to deflect attention from the Trump administration’s
mishandling of the crisis by directing the
blame at China.

Chris Hayes
Just astoundingly gross to call it the Wuhan Virus.
Paul Gosar
1. I am announcing that I, along with 3 of my senior staff, are officially under self-quarantine after sustained contact at CPAC with a person who has since been hospitalized with the Wuhan Virus. My office will be closed for the week.
8:40 PM · Mar 8, 2020
17.2K people are talking about this
G O L D I E.
Mar 8, 2020
Remember when it wasn’t okay to publicly announce your racism?
Paul Gosar
1. I am announcing that I, along with 3 of my senior staff, are officially under self-quarantine after sustained contact at CPAC with a person who has since been hospitalized with the Wuhan Virus. My office will be closed for the week.

G O L D I E.
He casually renamed it “Wuhan Virus” as a specific way of demonizing people of Asian descent. Their treating COVID-19 like an invasion for a reason.
8:46 PM · Mar 8, 2020
Goldey denied any ill intent, telling The Post, “Nobody is assigning ‘blame’ to any person or people group, the focus is responding to the virus and ensuring the health and safety of Americans.” Like many of Gosar’s
defenders, he noted there are
numerous examples of media outlets using the term “Wuhan virus.” (Most of those examples date from January and early February, and the U.S. media appears to have abandoned the nickname after the WHO officially named the disease “covid-19.”)
“Ignore the snowflake Leftists who think everything is racist,” Gosar wrote on Sunday night. “It’s a virus. It doesn’t care about your race.”

Paul Gosar
@michellemalkin dunks. A virus has no race or religion. This one is worldwide. Any leftists who think talking about a virus is racist need to check themselves. Wuhan Virus is the name used in popular discourse. Corona Virus or COVID 19 are technical. All are acceptable.
Michelle Malkin
THREAD Newsflash for virtue signaling ninny @chrislhayes & moron mob attacking @drpaulgosar - There are THOUSANDS of entries of mainstream news outlets including NBC, referring to "Wuhan Virus," as well as ASIAN media itself & top medical institutions calling it Wuhan Virus.
Meanwhile, late Sunday night,
#CPACVirus began trending on Twitter.
“Yes, we’re sorry @DrPaulGosar, but if you refuse to use the medical terms and insist on using a place to describe the virus, then “Wuhan Virus” — which I’m sure you didn’t pick to be racist! — won’t work,”
wrote attorney Max Kennerly. “We can’t trace your outbreak’s source that way. No, you have ‘CPAC Virus.’”