Originally Posted by Bbbjlover1
This review told us nothing. Read comics? If this gets credit then get ready for reviews saying they went to Kroger to get bacon and had trouble choosing which brand
This is precisely one of the ways not attuning to premium access could rear its head and accidentally get a piece of nut sack skin caught in my fly as it goes.
I would have just seen the tantalizing description and ran to luxury with my nuts hanging out of the window, and flapping in the wind...
Well luckily I have a way to mitigate and remedy “common flappage” that a nominal amount hobby risk can, and will most likely put in front of you at some point or another.
Ok, for anyone who hasn’t figured this out naturally, this is fairly straightforward. Assuming you are an early bird with a hard horny worm, shooting the gap, or running the “hope she is hot” gauntlet, this is a piece of cake. Just fucking do it!
Now, listen carefully, If you perhaps you feel the interlocking teeth of misrepresentation clamping down, and it’s not what you expected, tighten up your fucking panties, politely decline and excuse yourself, and carry on. If the “abominable Ohhh No Bitch” walks in and you stay, that’s cus you have a penis with a partially missing set of testicles.
In the event she is hot as advertised, and she has an Oscar winning sore pussy routine, and she counts ceiling tiles as IOP, you already know the answer. Tough titty. Chalk it up.
If this sort of casual exploration ends up with constant sniveling and Bait & switched whining, and you allow yourself to get steam rolled by an Alpha EMO, perhaps you are in the wrong hobby and perhaps taking a crack at ballet might be a wonderful idea! Go squeeze your fat ass and hallow scrotum into a piNk TUTU so you may frolic about with gay abandon. Instead of ranting about this reviews cred vs that, get to shuffling and rutting. I’m about to go fuck this girl and if he is correct. I’m gonna tell the cuckling hens above the 411...
Let 3Dom Rain
Ok ....if a girl is what so & so claims, that is fresh gooooood pussy served hot at the front of the line.
And that my friends, is a hobbyist delicacy!