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Old 11-29-2019, 08:22 AM   #1
Turd Ferguson ATX
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Default Trump wants to cure HIV. Why????

Why would he want a cute for HIV? AIDS is exactly what this world needs. A disease that selectively kills. Other than hemophiliacs who had bad blood transfusions, AIDS selectively killed human garbage. In fact I would like to another plague that wipes out more problem groups of people.

There's a conspiracy theory stating that "global elites" like bill gates and ted turner and whoever want to lower the human population by 90 percent. I could only wish this was true. We need to get rid of the human weeds, particularly in Africa and the middle East.
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Old 11-29-2019, 08:54 AM   #2
dilbert firestorm
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here's why

it primarily affects sodomae. it is transmittable via sex with other bi-persons. so you get reports of bi & straight women and men getting it.

shaq was a good example of someone who got aids he cheated on his wife. he had sex with a female. and this female had sex with a bi-male who had sex with a sodoman. just show how this transmission happened.

shaq says he's been cured of aids. so there's that.
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Old 11-29-2019, 09:21 AM   #3
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I didn't know Shaq had HIV. Are you thinking about Magic Johnson?
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Old 11-29-2019, 09:29 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
I didn't know Shaq had HIV. Are you thinking about Magic Johnson?
Yes he probably meant Magic.

But what about the orginal post?

Is this an isolated POV or do many think like this?
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Old 11-29-2019, 10:47 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX View Post
Why would he want a cute for HIV? AIDS is exactly what this world needs. A disease that selectively kills. Other than hemophiliacs who had bad blood transfusions, AIDS selectively killed human garbage. In fact I would like to another plague that wipes out more problem groups of people.

There's a conspiracy theory stating that "global elites" like bill gates and ted turner and whoever want to lower the human population by 90 percent. I could only wish this was true. We need to get rid of the human weeds, particularly in Africa and the middle East.
Human Depopulation? There might be some truth to that. I don't think there is any such thing as selective depopulation measures for all human systems are the same. But there is compelling evidence that there is toxic substances introduced into the human population that can cause disease and eventual death in humans over time. One example of this is during the Viet Nam war era "Agent Orange" was widely used primarily as an Herbicide which contained a very high quantity of a chemical compound known as Dioxin which was later realized to be very carcinogenic. No doubt there was a group of chemists somewhere involved in the Development of "Agent Orange" that had to know that the chemical composition of "Agent Orange" would remain in the environment over a long period of time contaminating food crops, Aquatic environments and the environment in general which would give rise to catastrophic health problems such as cancer in humans over several years after exposure. To cure AIDS in my opinion is just a talking point for politicians. There is already a cure for AIDS and many Cancers as well. The money that Drug Companies make on treatments is outrageous and none of them are considered "Cures". We are always told about the overpopulation of the world, the World really isn't over populated. Mankind meets his demise by Accidents, Crime, Disease, Natural Disasters, War and we even abort the unborn. We pollute our Environment and Poison our food. It's a wonder Mankind has survived this far.
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Old 11-29-2019, 11:06 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yes he probably meant Magic.

But what about the orginal post?

Is this an isolated POV or do many think like this?

there is a segment that actually believe AIDS is an engineered disease.

this is a tired old conspiracy theory that the "globalists" want to save Mother Gaia (ancestral mother of all life: the primal Mother Earth goddess) by reducing population to less than 1 billion world wide. a side theory is that Billy Gates's foundation is in on this and his Malaria vaccines are really sterilization drugs to reduce population in Africa and South America.
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Old 11-29-2019, 12:12 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
there is a segment that actually believe AIDS is an engineered disease.
It was only suppose to rid the world of people like HummerHoe(assup)
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Old 11-29-2019, 12:32 PM   #8
Turd Ferguson ATX
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511 View Post
It was only suppose to rid the world of people like HummerHoe(assup)

HummerHoe! Fix me a drink, boy! Johnnie Walker blue. Two rocks. Pronto!!
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Old 11-29-2019, 01:28 PM   #9
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There is not an accepted "cure" for Aids - HIV infection caused disease.

A very few - to my knowledge <5 patients are virus negative after long term treatment - but "cure" is not a word used by physicians. Newer treatments seem very effective in managing the disease for many patients, but this is not a "cure". and - the disease progresses differently in different patients. Why is poorly understood.

The costs of drug development are enormous due to FDA regulations - and companies need a profit margin to sustain research and development. However, the prices on the market for previously inexpensive and easily available medications ( insulin is an example) - have risen - some to extortionate levels) , and consumers and the government are complaining. This will change to regulation and charges of price-fixing and monopoly behavior in the near future if the companies are not careful about what they are doing /

Patients are suffering. No question. due to rapacious drug company behavior.

Still - there is no "cure " for HIV infection.
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Old 11-29-2019, 01:29 PM   #10
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hh and the Axis ofsocialism are now invited to post their usual insults and scatology.

Mindless idiots.
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Old 11-29-2019, 03:21 PM   #11
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Budman View Post
I didn't know Shaq had HIV. Are you thinking about Magic Johnson?

ah.. it was magic I was thinking of, not shaq. sorry. wrong basketball player.
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Old 11-29-2019, 03:34 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
There is not an accepted "cure" for Aids - HIV infection caused disease.

A very few - to my knowledge <5 patients are virus negative after long term treatment - but "cure" is not a word used by physicians. Newer treatments seem very effective in managing the disease for many patients, but this is not a "cure". and - the disease progresses differently in different patients. Why is poorly understood.

The costs of drug development are enormous due to FDA regulations - and companies need a profit margin to sustain research and development. However, the prices on the market for previously inexpensive and easily available medications ( insulin is an example) - have risen - some to extortionate levels) , and consumers and the government are complaining. This will change to regulation and charges of price-fixing and monopoly behavior in the near future if the companies are not careful about what they are doing /

Patients are suffering. No question. due to rapacious drug company behavior.

Still - there is no "cure " for HIV infection.
I would say you're correct to a degree saying there is no accepted cure for AIDS. I think it's safe for me to assume that you realize that AIDS isn't a disease in and of itself. AIDS is an "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome", how the hell does a person get that? There's probably many different ways a person can develop AIDS and they most often die of secondary infectious diseases such as Flu and Pneumonia, illnesses that a person with a normally functioning immune system can easily combat. So ultimately the cure for AIDs is strengthening the Immune System. That's easier said than done because the Immune system is a very complex system. There is ongoing research into the use of Interferon which is a natural component of the Immune System. It doesn't kill the virus directly but boosts the Immune System to the extent that it can do it's job more efficiently to reduce growth of cancerous and virulent cells. So that maybe a start in what we might consider a cure.
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Old 11-29-2019, 04:10 PM   #13
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yes he probably meant Magic.

But what about the original post?

Is this an isolated POV or do many think like this?

the extreme religious segment believe in that pov as homos are sinners and aids was sent by god to punish them.

as for the non-religious types, I'm sure they exist with a similar pov.
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Old 11-29-2019, 06:30 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
the extreme religious segment believe in that pov as homos are sinners and aids was sent by god to punish them.

as for the non-religious types, I'm sure they exist with a similar pov.
Non religious folks believe God sent Gay folks HIV?

That sounds rather strange if they in fact do not believe in a God.

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Old 11-29-2019, 06:46 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
I would say you're correct to a degree saying there is no accepted cure for AIDS. I think it's safe for me to assume that you realize that AIDS isn't a disease in and of itself. AIDS is an "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome", how the hell does a person get that? There's probably many different ways a person can develop AIDS and they most often die of secondary infectious diseases such as Flu and Pneumonia, illnesses that a person with a normally functioning immune system can easily combat. So ultimately the cure for AIDs is strengthening the Immune System. That's easier said than done because the Immune system is a very complex system. There is ongoing research into the use of Interferon which is a natural component of the Immune System. It doesn't kill the virus directly but boosts the Immune System to the extent that it can do it's job more efficiently to reduce growth of cancerous and virulent cells. So that maybe a start in what we might consider a cure.

One is entitled to their own opinion.

It is accepted that the HIV virus is the cause of clinical AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome). There are many different types of immune deficiency diseases, and different treatments.

Interferon is not a new drug - and has been used as part of multi-drug HIV therapy. It is not a perfect answer. Certainly not used alone in treatment of HIV caused AIDS.

Your opinion is not up to date regarding the latest anti-retroviral multi-drug therapies available today.

Am i qualified to comment - yes.

Please consider broadening your research and reading into the matter. L.
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