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Old 07-29-2011, 11:54 PM   #1
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Everyone here knows that I have more than i should, but I live a crazy life...not a life of bad shit just kids house etc... and sometimes things get in the way. Well today I had a few appts starting at lunch thought i would pay off some warrants since my DL is expired and get to work, well that didnt happen. And for all those guys who I stood up today I AM SORRY AND I PROMISE I WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU. But one guy was a complete asshole, I have never met this guy before and this is what he said: HEY SARAH I WONT BUG YOU ANYMORE I REALLY FEEL LIKE SHITZ! BEAUTY BUT A NO SHOW. THIS TIME, I UPDATE MY PROFILE AND DISSAPPEAR. TOO MANY BAD FEELINGS AND STRESS. IT WAS SUPPOSE TO B THE OPPOSITE. PEACE OUT ....


OK Fellas help me out, all that and hasnt even met me, he need to give me some lotto numbers.

He could have asked if something went wrong, or rescheduled, i am good on my make up sessions, but the name calling is bullshit. I understand getting upset but to degrade someone is bullshit and right off the bat...ladies if you want his name i got it just PM me. So my question is why do u think this asshole acted like this and what would you have done?
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Old 07-30-2011, 12:21 AM   #2
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Hi Sarah.

People like that guy are all over the place and are a dime a dozen. It obviously upset you and that is not cool but asking why the guy is an ass is like asking why the sky is blue... he is because, well, he is. That doesn’t mean you had anything to do with him showing his azz by canceling your appointments or should you worry about what he wrote. Let the other ladies know, like you are, what a jerk this guy is and just go back to being the nice, happy person you are.

Jerks and assholes come is all sizes, shapes and from both sides of the gender line. Don’t give him another thought or let his abby-normal way of acting upset your harmony.

Course, reaching out and giving him a high-five on the head is always a pleasant thought.
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Old 07-30-2011, 01:09 AM   #3
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NS or canceled?
I would not be as nice to someone who NS'd but I wouldn't be outright rude.
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Old 07-30-2011, 01:31 AM   #4
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We all have problems from time to time and sometimes we have to reschedule or move appointments..its part of life..no big deal.
Im sure the guy was dissapointed he didnt get to see a good looking woman that he was looking forward to seeing but thats no excuse for name calling or being rude.
some people are pricks and when they dont get their way sometimes their real self comes out and you find what kind an asshole they really are.
this guy seems like he falls into this category..you were probably lucky you had to cancel and never got to meet the guy..so dont sweat it !
If you offered to make up the session you did all you could do and move on and dont fret over the asshole.
there are plenty other clients out there and most are understanding polite guys.
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Old 07-30-2011, 01:42 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by seductivesarah View Post
Everyone here knows that I have more than i should, but I live a crazy life...not a life of bad shit just kids house etc... and sometimes things get in the way. Well today I had a few appts starting at lunch thought i would pay off some warrants since my DL is expired and get to work, well that didnt happen. And for all those guys who I stood up today I AM SORRY AND I PROMISE I WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU. But one guy was a complete asshole, I have never met this guy before and this is what he said: HEY SARAH I WONT BUG YOU ANYMORE I REALLY FEEL LIKE SHITZ! BEAUTY BUT A NO SHOW. THIS TIME, I UPDATE MY PROFILE AND DISSAPPEAR. TOO MANY BAD FEELINGS AND STRESS. IT WAS SUPPOSE TO B THE OPPOSITE. PEACE OUT ....


OK Fellas help me out, all that and hasnt even met me, he need to give me some lotto numbers.

He could have asked if something went wrong, or rescheduled, i am good on my make up sessions, but the name calling is bullshit. I understand getting upset but to degrade someone is bullshit and right off the bat...ladies if you want his name i got it just PM me. So my question is why do u think this asshole acted like this and what would you have done?
Say it with an Elmer Fudd accent! Its not nearly as bad that way Shawa!
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Old 07-30-2011, 02:27 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by seductivesarah View Post
Everyone here knows that I have more than i should,
You mean habitual ncns from your end, the nerve of these guys to be mad. Payment is for your time and your time only. They should be just happy to have the oppurtunity no matter if you don't call or show up. How rude of those guys.....its nice to know you voluntarily let guys know beforehand that the chances of seeing them after booking an appointment might be of a small percentage of success.

I didn't know that, but I also wasn't really looking but you brought this to the national forum so everybody could know. Is this happening in your hometown of houston mostly....or multiple cities? At least in your hometown you would have have had whiteknight support, or multiple people you ncns on weighing in as to how professional.....or not you were during those exchanges.

Originally Posted by seductivesarah View Post
Well today I had a few appts starting at lunch thought i would pay off some warrants since my DL is expired and get to work, well that didnt happen.
Warrants.....jesus. drivers license issues......not our concern only yours. You could catch a cab or let clients know ahead of time the chances of seeing you may be slim due to unforseen circumstance on your end. That way they can have a plan B in case you renade especially if you voluntarily say that it may be habitual on your part.

Originally Posted by seductivesarah View Post
to degrade someone is bullshit and right off the bat...ladies if you want his name i got it just PM me.
Yes its wrong to degrade same as its very wrong to waste peoples times with the myraid of communication options we have via, text, email, pms, etc.
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Old 07-30-2011, 05:07 AM   #7
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Well I guess we now know who one of those hobbyists might be!

Love your presentation!

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Old 07-30-2011, 08:08 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by wildwooly1 View Post
We all have problems from time to time and sometimes we have to reschedule or move appointments..its part of life..no big deal.
Im sure the guy was dissapointed he didnt get to see a good looking woman that he was looking forward to seeing but thats no excuse for name calling or being rude.
some people are pricks and when they dont get their way sometimes their real self comes out and you find what kind an asshole they really are.
this guy seems like he falls into this category..you were probably lucky you had to cancel and never got to meet the guy..so dont sweat it !
If you offered to make up the session you did all you could do and move on and dont fret over the asshole.
there are plenty other clients out there and most are understanding polite guys.
well said wildwooly,
If something came up where you were unable to contact them (ncns) then Im assuming something bad/emergency happened if your were unable to notify them-(call text email) that you would be unable to make it. However there is no need for name calling etc, that's just childish and falls under the "everything happens for a reason " category .
Sorry that happened Sarah
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Old 07-30-2011, 09:20 AM   #9
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He couldn't find another provider in Houston? I guess spending 10min. on the boards was just to much effort.
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Old 07-30-2011, 10:05 AM   #10
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I am unclear... was an attempt made to notify the clients that you would be unable to make the appointment? Or did you just leave him/them twisting in the wind?

If the latter, then he had a right to be pissed. Granted he went overboard with the name calling, but he may have taken time off work, paid for a room, viagra... who knows.

In either case, the result is not good for future business when the word gets out. After all, this is a relatively small community...


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Old 07-30-2011, 10:06 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Well I guess we now know who one of those hobbyists might be!

Love your presentation!

Nope I don't even live in houston dude try again. Your a trip dude lol.
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Old 07-30-2011, 10:33 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by gimme_that View Post
Nope I don't even live in houston dude try again. Your a trip dude lol.
Than one must wonder: why the intense emotional rant on your part?

All this thread really shows is:
--Ladies in this business who try to juggle working an unstructured schedule while being a single mom often have things fall off the plate
--There are people of both sexes who handle unexpected events well, and those who become flaiming jerks when faced with the same

I had 3 dates scheduled for the past 2 week trip I was on. Two of the three didn't work out for various last minute reasons. Such is life. Was I didapointed? Of course; both are very nice ladies I have seen before and was looking forward to seeing again. Both had unpredictable last minute things come up--welcome to the real world.

Personally, I don't line off a lady for a NCNS until I find out what happened. If I NCNS (which happens, but rarely) I always offer to make it up to her. If she works with me I tend to be very generous for her inconvenience, just as most ladies are with me. If she flies off the handle before listening, her loss not mine. THEN I line her off my list. I think the same would apply to guys who blow up before listening (or who blow up when they weren't even a party to the event).
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Old 07-30-2011, 11:15 AM   #13
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This is not an intense emotional rant. I just found it hilarious that she openly says she ncns frequently and was concerned why some of the guys who contacted her went overboard in their response.

Pardon me if a ncns is acceptable. Its way too easy to send something saying u can't make it. But like some of the responses here.......even when you do wrong your right....let it go, she posted this here not me. Stop getting sensitive because people posted their opinions under it.

Maybe she wanted sympathy for her habitual ncns based on the responses she got and you guys took it line and sinker. Its cool but don't get mad at me.....I'm just stimulating thought on it from anothers perspective.

And if you as a hobbyist ncns a lady or ladies in general.......would posters like you also support dudes who ncns on providers regularly. "She was mean an hateful to me because I didn't call or show up....I be busy sometimes". "Why was she so mean thread"......palease.
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Old 07-30-2011, 11:20 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by seductivesarah View Post
So my question is why do u think this asshole acted like this and what would you have done?
OK, FWIW - this guy's an asshole, assholes will act like assholes and you can't control that.

What can you do; chalk it up to the guy being an asshole and ignore him in the future.

My $.02

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Old 07-30-2011, 11:35 AM   #15
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So did you ncns or did you cancel?

How do you expect people to react when people ncns.

Did the guy show up, sit in the car for an hour, twiddle his thumbs for an hour, drive around for an hour, how far did he drive to see you. Emotions get the best of the people sometimes.

On the other hand, its plenty of fish in the sea. Oodles of providers out there. Some guys have a plan B that they can go see. I would not waste a bit of energy texting a provider evil stuff, when I can simply find another provider to spend some time with.
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