So on another board I frequent there is a discussion about providers 'flipping' to work with LE, now I am NOT saying this doesn't happen because I am sure it does. Can I say "I know this happens?" No I can not say this because I just read it so it is all hearsay to me, yes even operation flea collar from back in the day. I have ZERO first hand knowledge of this but do remember reading about it and NO where did I see so & so name, that she flipped and all I see is the LE account of what happened. And I do NOT take the LE account for pure truth


This case did happen, no doubt about it, I am not denying it, what I am pointing out is I have NO 1st hand knowledge.
I am so sick of reading posts about providers and hobbyists alike, were they are fingered as cooperating with LE, with NO proof to back it up.
I see this and all I see is others slamming a good reputation, if you do NOT come with proof, you should NOT post it. If you do NOT have proof of it, you are just running your neck to cause drama and stir up shit. I am purely talking about LE posts not dangerous people alerts.
I am not posting this for others to come on and say oh so & so is affiliated with LE, if you do this, you should have to show physical proof. Scan & upload paperwork.
I am posting this just simply to state MY opinion on this situation. I don't care if you like my opinion or you disagree with my opinion, it really isn't hurting my feelings at all.
My point in posting this is that I got really upset when I saw a post accusing a provider of being arrested and 'flipping' with NO proof and a quick search of her reviews and board presence, nothing but a good reputation from the lady in question, from MY point of view. And then a quick board search of her local city, where this was supposedly posted (her LE bust) came up with nothing, yep NOTHING bad about the provider in question, not for the last 600 days.
Then 2 or 3 posts after this one, there is another thread accusing another lady of being 'flipped' again NO proof, nothing more but to say she is cooperating with LE. I, as well as another provider asked how the OP knew and NO ANSWER from the OP. Surprised? I'm not.
If you have been busted and you have paperwork that proves the girl or guy snitched on you, cool. Yes it will be in your paperwork from court. You have every right and NO obligation to sound the alarm. But for me take your allegation seriously I want to see proof.
I have in the past had people post very nasty gossip about me that was in NO way true, had nothing to do with LE, but it is the same kind of smack. So this whole thing upsets me to NO end when I see someone trying to trash another girl's reputation or a guy's reputation
This hobby is difficult enough with the threat of LE and psychos without people spreading unnecessary rumors and gossip.
BTW--- I don't know either girl from Adam but I am completely smart enough to do a little research and come to my own sane conclusion.
BTW 2--- I am just venting a little
Peace................... Out!