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Old 07-10-2019, 03:36 PM   #1
I B Hankering
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Default SEAL Gallagher's Lawyer Has A Final Request

Giving this story a little wider audience in case somebody out there has some data for Gallagher's lawyer.

SEAL Gallagher was found not guilty of murder, but his attorney has one final request

Navy SEAL Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher. (Justice for Eddie/Released)

July 10, 2019 Melissa Leon

While Navy SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher has been found not guilty of murder charges and was acquitted of all but one count against him, his defense team still has a journey ahead to ensure that justice is truly served.

Now, Gallagher’s head defense attorney, Tim Parlatore, is asking current and former members of the military for help.

Gallagher was recently acquitted of all murder, witness intimidation and assault charges against him. He was found guilty of one single count involving taking a photo with a terrorist’s corpse. As he builds his petition to the convening authority to disapprove the charge and sentence, Parlatore is asking for anyone who is willing to come forward and share about a photo incident like Gallagher’s that was resolved, so he has data he can present.

“What he was convicted of – the sole count of taking a photo with a corpse – is something that if that’s all he was charged with, it should have been a non-judicial punishment [NJP], not a court-martial,” Parlatore told American Military News on Wednesday. “The only reason there’s a general court-martial conviction of that count is because of the other charges.”

“If you were to give him a general court-martial conviction for that [the charge of taking a photo with a corpse], it’s disproportionate to what every other service member gets,” he noted.

“Because it’s not something anybody keeps statistics on, I’m trying to anecdotally gather other cases where this is resolved and say, look, here are 30 different cases where people who did the same or worse. Everything was handled with non-judicial punishment,” he explained.

“The best way for me to get that information – there’s no database, it’s not something I can look up, it’s not something the JAGs [Judge Advocate General Corps] have access to – the best way for me to do it is to crowd-source my legal research and put it out to the veteran community,” Parlatore pointed out.

Any instances that a service member or veteran comes forward to share a story with would be strictly confidential, and names would not be disclosed, Parlatore stressed.

“It’s going into a private letter, not a publicly filed document,” he said.

The ultimate goal is to have the convening authority disapprove Gallagher’s conviction on that count, he noted.

“My goal is I want Eddie Gallagher to retire with his pension, rank and without a criminal record,” Parlatore said.

After posting a call for help on the Free Eddie Gallagher Facebook page, Parlatore says he has already had responses.

“I’ve gotten a tremendous response so far from veterans and active duty service members with stories they want to tell so they can help Chief Gallagher,” he said.

Anyone with information they would like to share can contact Tim Parlatore by sending him a private message on Facebook or by emailing timothy.parlatore@parlatorelaw group.com.

(American Military News)
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Old 07-10-2019, 03:59 PM   #2
dilbert firestorm
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been following gallagher's case.

USMJ needs some major reforms.

did you know that it just takes a simple majority (5 out of 9 jurors) to convict some of a crime in military court.

USMJ has other problems; one of those involved destroying careers of innocent people by backstabbers.

there were a number of backstabbers in Gallaghers unit. they didn't like how he ran the unit, so they hit him with complaints to his ranking officer until one stuck. so the jags took over from there.

they're all about getting a conviction, not the inconvenient truth

I'm glad that he got acquitted on a number of charges.

I feel sorry for the Medic, he did the right thing tho. his ass is going get reamed by the jags.
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Old 07-10-2019, 05:22 PM   #3
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I think you mean UCMJ (Uniform Code Of Military Justice)... unless Obama evolved that as well.
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Old 07-10-2019, 06:05 PM   #4
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What happened to Gallagher is a travesty.
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Old 07-10-2019, 06:08 PM   #5
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
I think you mean UCMJ (Uniform Code Of Military Justice)... unless Obama evolved that as well.

UCMJ... yeah.. that's what I meant.
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Old 07-10-2019, 09:42 PM   #6
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The ROE suck. We are leaving our guys in a lurch. Much of this shit wouldn't happen in an unfettered war. I'm glad the guy got off.

I wonder if any drone operators been charged with anything: US Military or CIA operative. Seems like they make as many "mistakes" as our boots the ground who's asses are hanging out.

We aren't going to win "hearts and minds." Finish the job and GTFO.
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Old 07-10-2019, 10:42 PM   #7
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
The ROE suck. We are leaving our guys in a lurch. Much of this shit wouldn't happen in an unfettered war. I'm glad the guy got off.

I wonder if any drone operators been charged with anything: US Military or CIA operative. Seems like they make as many "mistakes" as our boots the ground who's asses are hanging out.

We aren't going to win "hearts and minds." Finish the job and GTFO.
many mistakes are due to bad intel. there's a story of a mistake missile attack in Afghanistan that killed an entire family in a truck. amazingly, a young girl survived that attack. she was badly disfigured. she was taken to america to get her fixed up. people here tried to hide her from her surviving relatives who were not in the truck.

some of them are due to bad behavior.

reminds me of a Heavy Metal magazine comic short, where a military transport is going thru a field of tall grasses. the military sentry on the transport sees a young woman walking thru the grass. he takes his rifle and takes an aim at her and shoots her. Makes a radio call says "nothing to report, sir".
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Old 07-11-2019, 01:29 PM   #8
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John Kerry shared photos of himself in VN.

The prison guards at Gitmo had a bunch of photos with their prisoners. I have no idea how that was handled by the military justice system.

I worked as an MP for 6 years. The goal of 'justice' within the military, is about the perception of order. Repeatedly I have seen cases where criminal proceedings were prosecuted simply to have a guilty party. Men with superior clean records will keep their records clean, but any dirt-bag in the unit will be selected to be prosecuted. Nobody honestly cares if the specific guilty person is tried for a crime.
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Old 07-11-2019, 03:06 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner View Post
John Kerry shared photos of himself in VN.

The prison guards at Gitmo had a bunch of photos with their prisoners. I have no idea how that was handled by the military justice system.

I worked as an MP for 6 years. The goal of 'justice' within the military, is about the perception of order. Repeatedly I have seen cases where criminal proceedings were prosecuted simply to have a guilty party. Men with superior clean records will keep their records clean, but any dirt-bag in the unit will be selected to be prosecuted. Nobody honestly cares if the specific guilty person is tried for a crime.
Sounds like they are just looking for a means to an end.
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Old 07-12-2019, 04:34 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Sounds like they are just looking for a means to an end.
Many times I have been at the 'scene of a crime' maintaining the perimeter as best we can, waiting for the chain of command to decide who we were going to persecute for the crime. Once that decision is made, then all evidence gathering is down toward that intent. 'How do we make this evidence look like it is connected to that guy'. No other options are allowed. No other perpetrators are allowed to be considered.

High ranking officers will tromp through the scene and muck everything about. You can not stop them.

I have a few stories to tell, but I retired and I got myself far away from that junk.

I had a good friend who went 'down' for a crime when there was no evidence and he had a solid alibi.

It is only after the conviction [when the case is up for appeal] when lawyers are allowed to see the case, that suddenly the 'rules of evidence' are considered, and convictions get overturned.
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Old 07-12-2019, 04:38 PM   #11
Austin Ellen
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I'm glad he got off too. On a side note....that is one fine looking man.
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