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Old 07-19-2011, 10:55 PM   #1
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Default Some Thoughts About Texas vs Washington

Texas gov Perry asked for federal assistance due to the wildfires:


Most liberals are jumping on the bang wagon that Perry is "against Federal involvement" in state affairs. Yet that is a complete liberal slant of the facts. Most "capitalists" and "conservatives" want Federal government to stay out of running businesses and to pass legislation that will promote business growth (ergo job creation). The Fed Gov was created to govern the people, not run businesses. but i'm digressing from the MOST IMPORTANT facts:


Texas was the top 3rd contributor to federal taxes for 2007.


Texas was still the top 3rd contributor in 2010.

I wonder how well Capitol hill would be doing if Texas didn't contribute ANYTHING at all? Even conservatives acknowledge that certain taxes must exist. But we shouldn't create a tax burden on citizens for the sake of empowering the government over it's people. There's nothing wrong a little regulation but there is such a thing as TOO MUCH regulation and TOO MUCH government control.

Let's look at sales tax for 2010:


We ranked 2nd!?

If the way Texas is run is so wrong, why are we one of the few states that are doing well during this recession?

Also, NASA Houston not getting ANY of the shuttles (not even the training modules) while Chicago got one is the BIGGEST sign that Obama likes to take the gloves off, but when the gloves are taken off against him he whines and complains and has his "followers" claim "racism".

I had big hope for Obama. But I see it really is "politics as usual".

So before the conservatives think I'm going to let them off the bat, Dick Cheney (former CEO of Haliburton...a company that gets FAT govt contracts, especially during war time) and Bush Jr. also robbed our tax dollars and highly contributed to the beginning of this whole housing bubble fiasco (but wait, liberals don't get a pass here either, they were involved too).

From Fox's mouth (even though the headline reports the WRONG thing that the auditor is stating):


So if Haliburton is a nasty, tax dollar stealing animal, and Bush Jr had his hands in that business, do we, as Texans owe a bit of thanks to them for bringing their business to Houston/Texas?

Just some thoughts here. "The system" has been out of control for a while, it's just now being brought to light because different political interests haven't been able to cash in. Now China owns our debt, continues to grow in power due to a cheap labor force (which we can't have here legally in the United States due to labor laws, yet we allow illegals to build our homes), is making friends with Mexico, the Middle East, Iran, Russia, South America and Africa.

Let us also not forget that Clinton wanted to make really close friends with China (i'm not here to say it was a good or bad thing) and gave them TONS of secrets (technology, military, economical).

And what about the HUGE political shifts lately? Remember when ALL of Polands cabinet died in a plane crash in Russia!? This was shortly after Obama said he would not support a defense shield in Poland. Now with Egypt and Lybia. Obama commands the military to drop bombs on Libya, claiming we are on the side of the people, and won't lend a single hand to Syria. This is the guy who won a nobel peace prize? Once again, I'm not anti "liberal" or democrat. I despise a lot of things Bush jr did. But Obama is barking up the same tree. And the only news network willing to say anything about it already sucks to high heaven.

Can anyone else smell what's coming?
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Old 07-21-2011, 10:19 AM   #2
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We’re a red state, and Obama is the worst kind of politician. It’s basic math.
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Old 07-21-2011, 10:57 AM   #3
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Default You hit the nail on the head..

When you said "politics as usual". If we are to come out on top of this we need to ditch the two party system and institute a strict attitude of isolationism. Fuck the world we need to take care of our own first and foremost.
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Old 07-21-2011, 08:26 PM   #4
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first and foremost, you're a damn sexy woman.


funny you should say this. China did this very thing for the past 10 years. Now look at them.
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