Originally Posted by raild@1964
I read the Dallas,Houston and Austin co-ed occasionally, they get some interesting threads going sometimes. Although they do have a lot of drama and can get very mean spirited in a hurry. Sure makes you appreciate how civil our West Texas board is.
I said that on the Austin board when I visited in Feb.
I even came back to the West Texas board and made a public thank you for how gentleman encouraging acting and being respectful the men are here.
That was not a threAD! It was a whole hearted thank you! I missed real gentlemen and men with couth and manners. Where you have men who know how to speak and treat women you have more women that live up to (THE PART)! Not to say west Texas doesn't have it's fair share of Ghetto fabulous/NOT so fabulous (TALENT)! And Hobbiers but as you can tell from our boards not near the TRAUMA!
I do not even say the word Drama. Drama can be good it is very dramatic when you Cum. THE GOOD KIND OF DRAMA... That SHIT ON those other boards in other cities is pure TRAUMA....Like watching Jerry Springer. I have way better things to do with my time than to soak up that kind of negativity.
The National forums are pretty entertaining.
Plus traveling ladies it is a good way to get other cities and states to see your presence.
You may even get request to go to a new and wonderful place. Meet GREAT NEW PEOPLE!