Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
girls had their clothes on...
That's a violation?
Originally Posted by ben dover
I'm guessing but maybe because one of the girls is NOT a verified member here?
I'm guessing that it's because one of them IS a member
Originally Posted by Sam54
[pic removed - GM]
But we'll never know because the "Mover in Chief" has made himself the "Remover in Chief"....
And of course WITHOUT explanation....
No sense using the alleged violation as a teaching moment....
Of course.... it's probably just a WOS issue anyways... like everything around here.
So OP, thanks for including a clothed picture so that we could see what we are getting into.... you know.... providing that extra piece of valuable INFORMATION.....
"I" is becoming a violation here more and more each day....
Welcome to ECCE.....