Originally Posted by HoustonDan
Damn it, just put a big post up about this and it’s gone.
Anyways I basically said:
- this thing with Kraft doesn’t make sense
- why is he going to a low end AMP when there are plenty of private, high end options in Jupiter
- the video of the place and lack of immediate arrest doesn’t make sense either
- how are the police not helping victims of human trafficking as soon as they can...did they really let dozens of guys fuck Asian sex slaves for a couple of months without intervening
Something doesn’t make sense here.
As far as why he's going to a spa one theory is anonymity. Those girls sure dont know who he is. A madam keeps records. Most high end escorts pride themselves on being knowledgable in a wide range of subjects, current events, etc. Especially those of interest to their clients.
I've said it before about the trafficking issue. While a tragedy where it happens, much of what is reported as trafficking isn't. I'll try to find the article about operation cross country which describes in pretty good detail how victims aren't really victims and pimps aren't really pimps when you look at the results of most of these busts. They make headlines and bring positive publicity for the involved agencies and more importantly they generate revenue for the many 501c3s whose very existence relies on selling the "problem" to the general public.
No one is nearly as concerned with the people who are really trafficked nearly as much as they are about the money or notoriety that comes with the busts. Otherwise those "poor girls" wouldn't have been forced to continue these sex acts for 2 weeks. It's disgusting.