I just wanted to give you ladies a shout out. In an era of cutthroat competition where some ladies consider each other competitors and bitter rivals, you four always manage to remain in solidarity with each other.
You always support each other by posting in each other’s threads, such as
this one , which is impressive. Sometimes it seems like you are just about the only ones posting in them, which is a shame. It would be nice if people were more interested.
Even more impressively, you all manage to post an ad at exactly the same time on Sunday nights! I have no idea how you do that, but it must be quite a feat of coordination between the four of you. Also your generous usage of emoji and ALL CAPS in your ad titles really makes them pop and is an emphatic statement of being “on brand”.
I guess it’s true, birds of a feather really do flock together.
Enjoy your flocking, ladies.