Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
I agree, i came from a sales manager position making over 100k, the whole company was laid off, after job searching for months and not finding anything really worth my time i came here. Still not close to what i used to make, but less work hours is nice, it has abled me to go to school and still finacially support my self. Like i said, i have never met a dumb provider. None of them have ever told me, this is my career choice. Again, lol no girl would leave this to work at McDonalds! Its just a stepping stone. A FUN one at that!
Marley, if you came into this from a six figure income, I would venture to guess that you are the exception to the rule. Considering the posts/emails this thread was inspired by, we can see that there are certainly providers who would not be doing this if it were not for the money and if they had any other viable choices.
Even if all the providers you've met are smart, that does not make them successful. If they lack work ethic to be able to show up to a job on time, organizational skills, c0mMun1c@t10n skills, etc.. they may not be a candidate to make 50k, much less six figures.
Nuglet mentioned that being a provider is running a small business. True. How many providers have trouble doing that? How many of them NCNS clients, are constantly late to appointments, cannot budget themselves to keep an incall or their own residence and have to run end of the month specials to make rent or pay bills?
There are certainly others who never post about such trouble, and I assume that they are doing OK or well.
Even in your case, you say you used to make six figures, then got laid off. If this line of work were to be taken away from you, it sounds like you would be settling for something much less lucrative. If others who don't have the education and/or work experience that you have are told that they could not provide anymore, what options would they have left?
I agree that it certainly wouldn't be McDonald's, but I think the mention of McDonald's is to highlight a $10-20/hr job compared to one that was $200-300/hr one.
You asked earlier why some guys think a retiring provider would not have much choice in employment. Part of it is that a provider is going into the work force with a big gap in employment history. Then we see evidence of poor TCB here - NCNS, inability to answer PMs, emails, or texts, inability to keep schedule. Add to all that, some of the unprofessional behavior we've seen. Some of the goodbye posts/emails have been comparable to a big "fuck you" email that some of my employees dream of sending when they think about their last day at work. The blow up by LauraLucks and Karlie would have been a terminable offense in most work place.
I'm not giving you the shit you anticipated, I don't recall seeing any report of you being unreliable or unprofessional - maybe that speaks for the kind of environment and behavior you're used to.