Originally Posted by themystic
That is correct. I have no problem with the estate tax. In fact I would make it 90%. It might prevent spoiled brat fucking kids like Donald Jr from eroding society like his father and grandfather did
You're VERY jealous of successful people because you want the Gumment to LEACH off of those that have and give to those that have done nothing to earn it...YOU COMMY!!
All the communist, socialist and fascist would be proud of you comrade!!
What happen when you run out of rich peoples money...you can't steal it from the poor...they ain't got none!!
Your socialist darling AOC gets the dear in the headlight look when asked where these trillion of dollars are coming from...because ALL the money the rich have ain't going to cover this out of control spending that doesn't seem to bother you or your fascist comrades on the left.
I laugh you complaining about wasting money on a border wall...you sure are a bunch of fascist hypocrites!!