Encounter: Encounter: Bali Milk
Date: 12/24/19
Name: Milk
Address and Phone: Bali - 2570 Walnut Hill Lane, Phone: (214) 351-0755
Address: Walnut Hill / 35
Phone: -
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: BBBJ
Hair Length and Color: Dark Hair to shoulders.
Age: 35-40
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Chinese
Physical Description: 5'6" I would guess. hard to tell with the heels.
Not skinny IMO. Not large fat. Had rolls and an unattractive mid section. From another site reviews said HOT this and HOT that .
I do not agree.
Tits were regular size
Recommendation: No