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Old 03-02-2010, 01:58 PM   #1
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Default Lexapro/Ejaculation

Hey everyone,

I don't post much, but this one I need to share with my ECCIE community. So I'm on Lexapro now for about 2 weeks, but unfortunately it's impacting my ability to just get to the goal line. I can get there but it's taking a lot of effort and sometimes I just give up. Anyone with some tips to help with the situation? I'll be really thankful!

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Old 03-02-2010, 02:33 PM   #2
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I have heard this about many of the anti depressents. I had a friend try 3 of them, celexa, prozac and something else, had erection/ejaculation problems on all. Good luck man. Heff
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Old 03-02-2010, 02:45 PM   #3
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I have the same problem man i currently take effexor and it can do some jacked up stuff, never have really had a problem getting hard but getting off is a whole nother story 4-5 hrs from a 22 y/o without the lil blue pill is not fun so i completely understand. Id talk to your doc there are several things they can ad to augment the side effects just be careful with them as most increase agitation and almost make one bipolar even if their not. At least thats been my experience everyone is different though.
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:13 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by thehobbydude View Post
Hey everyone,

I don't post much, but this one I need to share with my ECCIE community. So I'm on Lexapro now for about 2 weeks, but unfortunately it's impacting my ability to just get to the goal line. I can get there but it's taking a lot of effort and sometimes I just give up. Anyone with some tips to help with the situation? I'll be really thankful!

I wrote about this particular problem a good while back.... personally I think there is some great potential for a combination product that could be called "Lexagra"... Raging Hard On for hours with delayed ejaculation.... It could have a very positive effect on those that suffer from premature ejaculation....

I was on it for a few months quite a few years ago and wasn't hobbying as the time so the wife anad GF took the brunt of the damage I was able to cause....

The delayed ejaculation WAS ALWAYS more forceful and intense when it happened but in a 3-4 hour session 2 pops was the most that could ever be managed....

See your doc and get him to modify the strength a bit but you'll need to balance the effects of the drug vs the side effects...
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:16 PM   #5
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Well, the only non-pharmaceutical thing I can think of trying and even then I'm not sure if it'll work in this case, is when you're close to climax, if the provider is willing and/or able and/or practiced (she can't just go in rooting around willy-nilly) is for her to insert her finger in your bum and apply some pressure on your prostate. That sort of pressure (milking the prostate) at the right moment can result in triggering blowing your load during other forms of sex play when you're close to orgasm.
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Old 03-02-2010, 05:11 PM   #6
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Both SSRIs (most antidepressants/anti-anxiety meds) and SNRIs (like Lexapro) are known to cause delayed ejaculation, and as you already mentioned, it's not the racing that's the problem, it's the getting to the finish line part. I'm not sure if something like Viagra would help you actually achieve orgasm, it'd just assist with the racing portion, which you don't seem to have much of a problem with.

Try to spin this to something positive. Maybe now you can last longer and focus on enjoying the journey and focus on your partner's pleasure. If orgasms come (heh) then great, but if not, then don't sweat it. I'm in the same boat (not easily reaching orgasm) sooooooooo needless to say, I've learned how to make other things my goal in bed.

I'm certainly not a doctor, but I'm very experienced in bullshit!
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Old 03-02-2010, 05:37 PM   #7
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Any anti-depressant/anti anxiety medication can either impair erections or prolong ejaculation.

Talk with your physician and see about either changing your dosage or changing medications. A trick you can try is taking your medication slightly later in the day. For instance, if you usually take your meds at 8am, try taking them around 11am and schedule your hobby appt in between. The concentration of the medication on your blood stream will be relatively low, and there's not really that much of a difference in terms of fluctuations in epinephrine/norepinephine/serotonin levels if it's an isolated incident here or there. I'm not advocating not taking your meds without a physicians order, but this at least helps you game your "system" a bit.

Additionally, I'm with Jen on this one. Embrace your newfound "endurance". Can you book for slightly longer? Perhaps you can make it about the experience and devote a little more time to your partner. It may help to kind of "let go" and know that you're gonna be able to crush like Peter North, and that relaxation can only help when you do lift off.

Plus, it'll be super-intense.
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:47 PM   #8
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I "googled" it and one of the ideas on a website was a "medication holiday". I think that is a terrible idea. I have a very close friend who went off of his anti-depressants for a week while visiting me. He was away from the things that were depressing him and was really enjoying his time. He took a "vacation" from the meds, and had a very intense panic attack. He was back on the meds the next day.

I am no doctor and if a doctor tells you to take a break from your pills that is one thing, but don't stop taking an important medicine like this just to get a nut. The repercussions could be disasterous.
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:12 PM   #9
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I had this problem with Cymbalta. My doctor gave me some Viagra to try and I found that it did help in the ability to orgasm. So, as others have said, talk to your doctor. Don't be embarrassed about it, I can pretty much guarantee it's nothing they haven't seen/heard/been asked about before.

Also, as Sacker says, do not stop taking them cold turkey - even for a few days. You have to wean yourself off slowly when you stop taking them. It's not pleasant otherwise.
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:55 PM   #10
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I have also experienced this issue.

I discussed it with my doctor who prescribed a secondary medication, don't remember the name. The primary use of the second medication is a decongestant or antihistamine, something like that, but the side effect of the second med is to help with the finish line. It is a $10 prescription.

Unfortunately, many allergy meds kick my butt, and this one is no different. I walk around in a daze all day. But ask your doc, there are definitely meds out there that can help this situation.
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Old 03-03-2010, 05:09 AM   #11
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Thanks everyone for the advise. I'm seeing my doctor on Friday and will ask about this issue.

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Old 03-03-2010, 06:46 AM   #12
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And if the doctor is useless, take a line from Sting and look into Tantric Sex.

When life hands you lemons, eh?
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Old 03-03-2010, 08:49 AM   #13
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Ask your doc about Serzone. I was temporarily on Lexapro when a previous marriage was failing and had the same thing happen. Could go for hours but actually cumming was VERY difficult. My doc switched me to Serzone and I didn't have those types of side effects with it. Luckily I was able to get off all of them and now I'm able to get off ON all of them... giggity.
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Old 03-03-2010, 09:38 AM   #14
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I've been using Lexapro for the last several years. As a result, I've experienced its sexual side affects, as well. I'm very thankful that it doesn't take a long time to get me to pop #1. While I don't have a problem in getting it up for pop #2, actually getting pop #2 off just doesn't happen.

For me, it's more pleasurable to play and give pleasure than it is to actually reach climax myself. That's just my nature. I love DATY and using toys, etc. I enjoy the very intimate GFE and really dislike the PSE. I realize this makes me an oddball.

Even with my limited ability to only climax once, I usually schedule multi-hour appointments. I simply, honestly and openly communicate to my providers that I'm a 1-popper and that I enjoy giving more than receiving. Even though I've taken the care to fully explain the issue, most providers feel like I'm being "cheated" for only popping once in a multi-hour appointment.

I enjoy the total companionship experience ... not just the sex. I enjoy talking and laughing together while laying side-by-side caressing each other and just enjoying each others company and dedicated attention without interruptions and performance expectations.

Due to the great diversity in the hobby, I'm eternally grateful there are providers who who enjoy and cater to gents like me who aren't able to "perform" like a young man in his twenties or thirties.
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Old 03-03-2010, 02:37 PM   #15
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Or you could look at it like I do... as a blessing.
I am on Cymbalta, and reaching the finish line has been extended a bit - but the ladies love the extra "stamina". It's like I ws 20 again.
Some Drs will actually prescribe it to a "Ten-second Tom" to purposely prolong the experience.
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