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Old 01-04-2019, 06:20 AM   #1
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Default "We are going to impeach the motherfucker" - sitting US Congresswoman

Congresswoman @RashidaTlaib tells cheering crowd that Trump impeachment coming

“We’re going to go in and impeach the motherfucker”

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Old 01-04-2019, 07:41 AM   #2
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I still haven’t figured out what the impeachable offense is? I listen to these people and all I hear is hot air which by the was started on the morning after he won the election. Pointing Cohen, Mamafort, Flyn and other unrelated sins doesn’t mean a thing. The Stormy Daniels thing means nothing. The senate won’t even take it up.

If I were Trump I’d call them on it with put up or shut up.
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Old 01-04-2019, 08:50 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
I still haven’t figured out what the impeachable offense is? I listen to these people and all I hear is hot air which by the was started on the morning after he won the election. Pointing Cohen, Mamafort, Flyn and other unrelated sins doesn’t mean a thing. The Stormy Daniels thing means nothing. The senate won’t even take it up.

If I were Trump I’d call them on it with put up or shut up.
Lol funny. You haven't figured it out because you dont know your stuff. Put up or shut up, is great advice. Then why doesn't the un indicted co conspirator Individual One go talk to Mueller? His lawyers wont let him because he is to ignorant. Much like his declining base
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Old 01-04-2019, 09:17 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Lol funny. You haven't figured it out because you dont know your stuff. Put up or shut up, is great advice. Then why doesn't the un indicted co conspirator Individual One go talk to Mueller? His lawyers wont let him because he is to ignorant. Much like his declining base
Actually what's funny is that given this overwhelming "evidence", you fail to mention even smattering of proof of an impeachable offense.

You've said yourself in the Pelosi thread that it would be stupid to bring an impeachment vote at this point. Thus making this Congresswomen nothing more than a grandstander - correct?
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Old 01-04-2019, 09:43 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Congresswoman @RashidaTlaib tells cheering crowd that Trump impeachment coming

“We’re going to go in and impeach the motherfucker”

This is another reason thatnobody gives a shit about the House.
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Old 01-04-2019, 09:46 AM   #6
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Anyone remember when the Congresscritter said "YOU LIE" to Obama and the outrage that followed by the left.

Now a Congresscritter calls the POTUS a "motherfucker" and it's being defended by the very same left.
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:22 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
Actually what's funny is that given this overwhelming "evidence", you fail to mention even smattering of proof of an impeachable offense.

You've said yourself in the Pelosi thread that it would be stupid to bring an impeachment vote at this point. Thus making this Congresswomen nothing more than a grandstander - correct?
I do think its a waste of time. Much like the Clinton impeachment.The charges that Cohen is going to jail over involved committing them under the direct orders of Trump. He is an un indicted co conspirator. That is impeachable.
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:23 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
This is another reason thatnobody gives a shit about the House.
Trump gives a shit. Hes already feeling the love haha
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:30 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
I do think its a waste of time. Much like the Clinton impeachment.The charges that Cohen is going to jail over involved committing them under the direct orders of Trump. He is an un indicted co conspirator. That is impeachable.
So by definition, not charged, but simply alleged. And you call that impeachable. That's really funny.
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:41 AM   #10
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A bunch of Democrats wanting to take everything away from the people that work and keep it and or give it to the poor... it’ll never work, their theory will get them booted in 2020!!! The last POTUS was a piece of shit, and the left went nuts... I haven’t been a big fan of Trumps but I’m becoming more enthused because of the lefts ideas!!
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:43 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
Anyone remember when the Congresscritter said "YOU LIE" to Obama and the outrage that followed by the left.

Now a Congresscritter calls the POTUS a "motherfucker" and it's being defended by the very same left.
He's a rapist punk ass sissy ass piece of shit. Him and his family
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:46 AM   #12
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This board certainly mirrors the tragic decisiveness permeating this country. We don’t need enemies to beat us. We’re doing it to ourselves. Anyone ever heard the phrase “Divide and Conquer?” The reason it’s persisted through the ages is because it’s an ultimate truth. Empeachment only enhances our polarization. If you don’t like him, use the proper political process and vote him out. This isn’t an endorsement, one way or the other. Merely an understanding of the past and observation of the present.
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:47 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
So by definition, not charged, but simply alleged. And you call that impeachable. That's really funny.
Lol. You dont know much about this subject. MAGA!! Build the Wall!!
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:57 AM   #14
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To the debate, and to those who consistently accuse others _"You do not know your stuff" as an arbiter of what is accurate or not
What does the Constitution define as an impeachable offense?

Impeachable offenses

The Constitution defines impeachment at the federal level and limits impeachment to "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" who may be impeached and removed only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors".[32] Several commentators have suggested that Congress alone may decide for itself what constitutes a "high crime or misdemeanor", especially since Nixon v. United States stated that the Supreme Court did not have the authority to determine whether the Senate properly "tried" a defendant.[33] In 1970, then-House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford defined the criterion as he saw it: "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."[34]

Jefferson's Manual, which is integral to the Rules of the House of Representatives,[39] states that impeachment is set in motion by charges made on the floor, charges proferred by a memorial, a member's resolution referred to a committee, a message from the president, or from facts developed and reported by an investigating committee of the House. It further states that a proposition to impeach is a question of high privilege in the House and at once supersedes business otherwise in order under the rules governing the order of business.


At the federal level, the impeachment process is a two-step procedure. The House of Representatives must first pass, by a simple majority of those present and voting, articles of impeachment, which constitute the formal allegation or allegations. Upon passage, the defendant has been "impeached". Next, the Senate tries the accused. In the case of the impeachment of a president, the Chief Justice of the United States presides over the proceedings. For the impeachment of any other official, the Constitution is silent on who shall preside, suggesting that this role falls to the Senate's usual presiding officer, the President of the Senate who is also the Vice President of the United States.
In theory at least, as President of the Senate, the Vice President of the United States could preside over their own impeachment, although legal theories suggest that allowing a defendant to be the judge in their own case would be a blatant conflict of interest. If the Vice President did not preside over an impeachment (of anyone besides the President), the duties would fall to the President pro tempore of the Senate.
To convict an accused, "the concurrence of two thirds of the members present" is required.[31] Conviction removes the defendant from office. Following conviction, the Senate may vote to further punish the individual by barring him or her from holding future federal office, elected or appointed. Conviction by the Senate does not bar criminal prosecution. Even after an accused has left office, it is possible to disqualify the person from future office or from certain emoluments of his prior office (such as a pension). If there is no charge for which a two-thirds majority of the senators present vote "guilty", the defendant is acquitted and no punishment is imposed.

So what exactly counts as an impeachable offense?


A very nice article from WAPO on the topic. It may be that an impeachable offense is whatever the House will vote a 2/3 majority to impeach an official. Which, in the Case of the DPST v President Trump - is that Trump is President and breathing. From the article" When a federal official is destabilizing established norms of conduct, Congress may impeach to send a strong signal that such behavior must not become the new normal." Thus a new Congresswoman may be well within her right to "Impeach the M--F...r" This, now, is the new normal for DPST conduct and is not impeachable in her case for violation of behavioral norms in the House and Senate for DPST's.

The U.S. Constitution’s provision that federal officers are impeachable for “high crimes and misdemeanors” is notoriously unclear. That’s on purpose. The framers wanted a fairly open-ended tool for removing an officer who posed a serious and immediate threat to the constitutional order. The impeachment power needed to be flexible enough to deal with circumstances that could not be easily foreseen.
Since impeachments are fundamentally political in nature, concerns that are critical in criminal law — for instance, ensuring that citizens know in advance what might be punishable, or preventing judges from arbitrarily imposing sanctions — don’t apply here. In the founders’ judgment, members of Congress would need the authority to assess, in context, whether an individual officer needed to be removed.
This does not mean that just anything should be regarded as an impeachable offense. The framers — and following them, members of Congress — have been very reluctant to use impeachment for ordinary political disagreements. Under democratic norms, even egregious policy disagreements or errors of judgment should be corrected through routine constitutional checks and balances if at all possible. For instance, if the president were to launch military strikes that Congress thought imprudent, it has other tools to affect policy. If the president were to direct executive branch officials to perform unconstitutional actions, the courts have the power to correct them. If the president is not especially competent, the people can replace him at the next election.

What’s more, just because a constitutional officer has committed an impeachable offense does not mean Congress is required to impeach. An impeachable offense is a necessary but not sufficient justification for impeaching and removing an officer. Some bad acts can be tolerated. Some call for less drastic responses than the extreme measure of impeachment, and so Congress has frequently tried other methods of reining in bad conduct before looking into impeachment. Congress has felt a particularly heavy responsibility to pursue other options before attempting to remove an elected official.
Defendants in impeachment trials often suggest that only criminal acts are impeachable offenses. Congress has never found this very persuasive. Indeed, the search for criminal offenses can largely miss the point. The ordinary courts are the proper forum for proving and punishing criminal offenses. If the Senate convicts an officer who has been impeached, it can choose from only two penalties: removal from office and disqualification from future federal office. Impeachment solves a political problem, not a legal one; it responds to threats to the constitutional order, not the civil order.

It’s true that criminal acts could be a reason to impeach. An officer imprisoned after being convicted of a crime may, obviously, have trouble performing duties, requiring impeachment and removal. Some criminal offenses might be seen as disqualifying an officer from performing public duties. The two examples mentioned in the Constitution’s text — treason and bribery — are obvious breaches of public trust. Federal judges accused or convicted of corruption of various kinds may no longer give the public confidence that the courts are fair. President Bill Clinton’s critics argued that presidential perjury was inconsistent with the dignity of the chief executive officer, as President Richard Nixon’s critics had argued about obstruction of justice.

However, it’s easy to imagine criminal offenses that do not suggest an individual could no longer effectively conduct the office’s responsibilities, and so would not necessitate impeachment and removal. If, for instance, President Trump were found to have committed a criminal offense during his past business dealings or was charged with impaired driving while on a golf weekend in Florida, it seems unlikely that an impeachment would be a necessary or useful response.
At the same time, actions that are not criminal might be impeachable. An officer who escaped prosecution or conviction on criminal charges of bribery might have forfeited the public trust — and be subject to impeachment.
Even actions that might never be crimes could be impeachable. The very first impeachment charged that Judge John Pickering “did appear upon the bench of said court, for the purpose of administering justice, in a state of total intoxication” and did from the bench “in a most profane and indecent manner, invoke the name of the Supreme Being, to the evil example of all the good citizens of the United States.” Judge West Humphreys was impeached in 1862 for abandoning his judicial duties in district in Tennessee and joining the Confederacy. The articles of impeachment laid against him also included giving a public speech in favor of secession and unlawfully acting as a judge for the Confederacy. In 1933, Judge Halsted Ritter’s impeachment included the charge that he had continued to practice law in a manner “calculated to bring his office into disrepute,” violating judicial ethics. Associate Justice Samuel Chase was charged with abusive behavior from the bench, and President Andrew Johnson was charged with firing the Secretary of War in a manner inconsistent with a federal statute.

Many impeachment efforts have been prompted by behavior seen as inconsistent with the responsibility and reputation of the office. Some individuals are impeached to get them out of office, when their actions threaten the political system’s functioning, and they can’t be stopped any other way.
Impeachments also serve a broader function. Congress can use it to reinforce or create new political norms. Even when the impeached official is not convicted and removed from office, the impeachment itself sends others the message that those actions were unacceptable and must not be repeated. When a federal official is destabilizing established norms of conduct, Congress may impeach to send a strong signal that such behavior must not become the new normal.
Even lawful actions, or actions within an officer’s authority, can be impeachable offenses. Context is everything. Actions that are ordinary and inoffensive in some circumstances can be extraordinary and threatening in others. Impeachment is not merely for illegal or constitutional actions. It is also a remedy for dereliction of duty and abuse of power.
Evaluating those circumstances and assessing the meaning of actions requires political judgment. That’s why legislatures, not judges, are entrusted with impeaching. The people’s representatives in Congress are the ones who must make the case, to their colleagues and to the people themselves, that an officer’s actions are so far beyond the pale and so threatening that impeachment is the only proper response.
Keith E. Whittington is the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics at Princeton University.

It is clear that the House DPST's will and already have forwarded motions to Impeach Trump. Getting the simple House majority to impeach is doable for Pelosi and her DPST. Getting a Senate 2/3 majority vote to convict is another matter. Since , evidently, a motion to impeach takes precedence on the House Floor- I am glad the nitwits are tying themselves up chasing their tails - keeps them out of further mischief.

Those read, retain, and apply this information will have some reasonable knowledge of the impeachment process as defined by the Constitution.
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Old 01-04-2019, 10:58 AM   #15
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Amusing that "professional" politicians don't understand how the process works.
Maybe they should all be required to pass a quiz on US govt to qualify to be accepted as a candidate for whatever states voting. Humorously, how many could pass a basic high school level quiz?
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