Well, this might sound weird, but I'm glad she didn't come back.
Lord knows how many times I visited her, clock or no, but after a while we got pretty friendly. True or not, I'm still clinging to the hope, that she really did finally end up back in school.
Cloths on or off, she was always a cool lady, and could hold up her end in just about any conversation. Not many girls like her
And yeah, she was the ultimate AMP unicorn, in so many ways. She was more genuine than people would expect. She enjoyed her work, a lot of the time.
And she was one of two ladies in my all-time hottest and best lifetime experience ever. Whatever you're fantisizing we might have done, it was even hotter than that. For three straight hours. Praise Jebus for gorgeous spinners and tadalafil. I've always been strictly a oneanddone kinda guy, except that day I fired four shots. And at every one of them, I could only think "This can't really be happening can it??"
Oh, and for those of you who might have had their appointments cancelled that day - Sure am sorry. But only a little. A very little.