I couldn’t help but notice the other day ….. I sounded a lot like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally.
ohhhh ……. Ooohhh …..ooooooohhh yes ……. Ooooooooohhh that’s it …..Ooooooohhh yes! ….. YES! ….YES! ….YES! ….. YES!....... YEEEEEESSSSS!
(But believe me ….. I wasn’t faking as she was in the movie)
I’ve experienced honkers, grunters, yellers, snake hisses, and more from the guys.
Even those that are just quiet but have this intense and bear like look on their face.
Some get downright explosive and start swearing and cussing (all in the release).
I can get loud sometimes ….. and hope my neighbors don’t think someone is being tortured.
There have been guys tell me ….. ssssshhhh!.... when we are in a hotel.
But I CAN’T sssshhhh!
Soooo…. Do you LIKE your sex partner to express their pleasure loudly or softly?
And …. Don’t mention duck tape ….ha!