Originally Posted by DallasBella
It’s too bad that during our first communication you called me a cunt via text because I wasn’t available.
I agree 100%
But you and I know i didnt call you a cunt because you werent available.
I called you a cunt because you WERE a cunt for no reason and if the thread started about you in another forum regarding your communication cuntness is any indication Im guessing youve been called that before.
Since you think youre embarrassing me Ill lob you one....The last time I saw Selena she said she was getting a new doubles partner because youre such a bitch.
Tsk tsk....You are hot though.
Now go crybaby to Gina like you did before and have a blessed day
Oh....to the peanut gallery reading this thread please take note that Ms Bella threw the first stone here...unprovoked and for " no reason" other than TO BE A CUNT
Bon jour
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