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Old 06-14-2011, 07:27 AM   #1
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Default Obama the Failed President

Not a joking matter; the economy is in the toilet, more people are unemployed, we are tens of trillions $ in debt and Obama thinks it is funny.


and after trillions spent.....he yucks it up with his buddy Jeffery Imelt....

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Old 06-14-2011, 07:30 AM   #2
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shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, give it 6 more..people need to live the pain, its the only way..we did get too spoiled and dumbed down and the "CHICKENS HAVE COME HOME TO ROOST!!!LMFAO!!
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Old 06-14-2011, 11:30 AM   #3
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The real shovels were the ones used by Bush and his administration which dug the USA into the biggest hole since the Great Depression.

We had no business going into Iraq in the first place.

If all that money, time and effort had been directed at the economy, we would not be in the mess we are in.

President Obama is pulling us out of the foolish wars we are in and working on the economy.

. . . It must be tough to be President and especially more so when even the people you are trying to help are busy mocking you and obstructing your policies at every turn.

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Old 06-14-2011, 12:05 PM   #4
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Still blaming Bush..... Wow
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Old 06-14-2011, 12:12 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
The real shovels were the ones used by Bush and his administration which dug the USA into the biggest hole since the Great Depression.

We had no business going into Iraq in the first place.

If all that money, time and effort had been directed at the economy, we would not be in the mess we are in.

President Obama is pulling us out of the foolish wars we are in and working on the economy.

. . . It must be tough to be President and especially more so when even the people you are trying to help are busy mocking you and obstructing your policies at every turn.

Good points. . . all completely wrong of course. O in less than three years has almost doubled "W"'s deficit (after 8 years).

And the cost of the wars is pretty puny by comparison to the deficit.

As for those he's trying to help mocking him and obstructing his policies, that may be somewhat true in the case with Hugo in Venezuela who still mocks him as he tries to promote leftist dictatorships in Latin America. But the labor unions aren't mocking him. Neither are the jihadis, and those are the only three groups he is actively trying to help.
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Old 06-14-2011, 05:19 PM   #6
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Yes, Obama has been a dissapointment to me, I must admit. Back in 2008 I was a big Hillary supporter and still think she would have been a better and stronger president but lamenting what happened back then is futile. But guys and dolls take a reality check: Do you really want any one of those seven mental Dwarfs who were part of that Republican debate last night? These so-called social conservatives who all want to tell women what to do with their own bodies. Any one of the Seven (maybe Nine if Rick Perry and Sarah Palin jump onboard the ship of fools) would go out of their way to criminalize me or you for participating in the various aspects of our beloved Hobby on websites such as ECCIE, EROS. P411, etceteras. Yeah, Obama is greatly lacking IMO too but do take time to contemplate the possible alternative(s) splashing around in the political cesspool known as the 'Conservative Right'.
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Old 06-14-2011, 05:31 PM   #7
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Quit picking on poor BO.... he's a fine, upstanding, hard working, totally honest Public Servant looking after our welfare above all else!
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Old 06-14-2011, 07:06 PM   #8
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[quote=Fast Gunn;1383825]

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
We had no business going into Iraq in the first place.

Sure allow terrorists to kill and hurt innocent people.

President Obama is pulling us out of the foolish wars we are in and working on the economy.

If you believe this then Im sure you also believed him when he said he would pay your house payment.

. . . It must be tough to be President and especially more so when even the people you are trying to help are busy mocking you and obstructing your policies at every turn.

Trying to help us? Let me know when that starts to happen.

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Old 06-14-2011, 07:31 PM   #9
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That Obama !!!!
He led us into a recession and got us into 2 wars...he increased Federal income taxes and doubled government spending and he took away all of our guns !!!!

Wait a minute... I may have some dates and some things wrong....but you know what I mean !!!

Obama even took Texas to a 29 billion dollar budget deficit....wait...I might need to again check some dates and stuff on some of this.
You watch - Texas is going to have to cut funding to education and law enforcement because of him !!! Wait....maybe I better check some dates and facts there too.

Anyway, he single-handedly wrecked the country. We were in great shape back in 2008....I think.

Re-elect Sarah Palin !!!!
If we can't re-elect her then we need somebody like Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney !!!
They'll turn this country around on a dime.
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Old 06-14-2011, 07:41 PM   #10
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Ha ha you want to see failed you should have seen the GOP debate last night. If Obama is so bad everyone on the stage should be polling excellent against him huh? If the gop wants to win in 2012 they need to drop the craziness loss the tea baggers and they might stand a chance. If you have the time do the numbers on this next election.

The last republican to win Bush, look at the 2004 exit poll when he did win. See who voted for him and by what percentages. Now look at the 2008 exit polls and see how McCain loss and by what groups and by how much. Now think about the 2012 elections who you think will vote GOP and who on the last few years would rather drink cat vomit than vote for an republican. Don't even worry about the black vote thats gone for ever, the Latino vote lol NO! The union vote yea right! Muslim Americans no! Thats Michigan gone! Jewish never had it never will. And now the elderly, your trying to get rid of Medicare so that doesn't look good there either. So your left splitting white vote
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Old 06-14-2011, 07:44 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by TheWanderer View Post
That Obama !!!!
He led us into a recession and got us into 2 wars...he increased Federal income taxes and doubled government spending and he took away all of our guns !!!!

Wait a minute... I may have some dates and some things wrong....but you know what I mean !!!

Obama even took Texas to a 29 billion dollar budget deficit....wait...I might need to again check some dates and stuff on some of this.
You watch - Texas is going to have to cut funding to education and law enforcement because of him !!! Wait....maybe I better check some dates and facts there too.

Anyway, he single-handedly wrecked the country. We were in great shape back in 2008....I think.

Re-elect Sarah Palin !!!!
If we can't re-elect her then we need somebody like Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney !!!
They'll turn this country around on a dime.

I love that. Funny stuff!
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Old 06-14-2011, 07:54 PM   #12
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like I said, its gonna take another 6 yrs..can't wait to go to the dmv or post office to see a doctor.LOL!!yeee HAwww!
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Old 06-14-2011, 07:59 PM   #13
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I find it amusing that for the most part, those who are most critical of Obama's policies are the same individuals who were not critical of GW's!
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Old 06-14-2011, 08:08 PM   #14
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The liberals here are "Demonic"; they hijack threads that are anti=Obama; knowing very well that any pro Obama threads won't even be looked at...

Again, the liberal mob tries to rule by intimidatation and hijack..your basic thuggish tactics.
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Old 06-14-2011, 08:23 PM   #15
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Fast Gunn ... pulling out of which wars? We are still in Iraq and have expanded efforts in Afghanistan and now getting into Libya. Explain how this is pulling us out of these silly wars?
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