Date: 8-4-18
Name: The Youngest, Tightest Around (!): new, barely legal
PAIGE from Lucky Haven
Address and Phone: Lucky Haven - 2555 Walnut Hill Ln. #400 Phone: (469) 358-5847
Address: see above
Phone: 469-358-5847
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website: n/a
(For the 30-second Cliff Notes version, read just the activities and the bold type in the ROS). Incredible extended DFK (which almost would have satisfied me by itself); outstanding IOP; succulent DATY, spit-laden BBBJ, BLS, HJ, DT, FF; 69; perhaps the best SS I’ve ever had; mutual sensual then increasingly nasty caressing/probing; MPCFS; more BBBJ, DT, FF with her finger teasing my ass until -- simply marvelous -- long-hold CIM.
Hair Length and Color: Blondish (highlighted brunette)
Age: 21! 21! 21!
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: 5’1”; 95-100lbs; all over natural tan; nice lickable “B” MM breasts; exceptionally tight, healthy, toned body including youthfully flat tummy and abs (she regularly does pilates!), thighs, butt, and legs; gorgeous shaved young tasty kitty and a-hole. (Note: I snapped and was going to post actual photos of her, but the management there has heard only from those you’ll recall as the “anti-photos” faction – so if you desire actual, if discreet, photos from LH, i
t won’t happen unless you as customers make your voice heard!) In the meantime, to give you some idea of her "type,"
here, and
here are (IMHO) are what I consider some pretty remarkably good generic approximations I found after a brief web search.
Recommendation: Er, uh -- a skilled 21-year old beauty?