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Old 07-28-2018, 11:06 PM   #1
Submissive MilfMarie
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Default How Stubborn You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Aries Astrology, Stubborn Zodiac Signs
Aries isn’t the ram of the zodiac for nothing. Heck, she’s more stubborn than a brick wall. She’s used to doing everything her own way anyway that when someone tries to challenge her, she shows them just how stubborn she can be. If you think you can wait out an Aries on anything, you’ve got another think coming.

Whether she wants to buy you an expensive gift for your birthday or treat you to a nice dinner, there’s nothing you can say or do to get her to change her mind. In fact, challenger her enough times and she isn’t afraid to get physical if she has to — You’re getting that designer handbag and she’ll pay for it and throw it at you if she has to, damn it.

TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20)
taurus stubborn zodiac signs
Taurus is honestly the WORST kind of stubborn there is. She doesn’t often like to go into a discussion or argument without her Twitter account open just in case she has to school someone with the facts, but try hitting her with logic when you’re in the same situation and she’s not having it. In fact, she’ll go out of her way to insist you’re wrong – because she can.

Another reason Taurus is about as stubborn as they come is that she does this thing where she’ll listen to you – and agree with whatever you say – and then go back to doing her own thing. You can try to tell her it’s not safe to eat raw cookie dough or to go swimming during a thunderstorm, but she’s going to do whatever she wants anyway. She’s not always THAT obtuse, but you get how stubborn she is.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
gemini stubborn zodiac signs
Gemini is a “go with the flow” type of girl because it’s so much easier for her to change her mind that way – and she changes her mind a lot. Think of it this way: if she were an ant, you could basically control where she goes and what she does, just with your finger. But just because she changes her mind every minute of every day doesn’t mean she’s changing it for you.

Assume that Gemini never really has any set plans or preferences at all; she might say she’s going to the library, but if you mention that you’re getting hungry, she’ll volunteer to drive the two of you to go get some food. It’s not so much that she’s easily manipulated, but that she’s just an easy-going person, which means it’s impossible for her to be stubborn about anything.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
cancer stubborn zodiac signs
Cancer is the crab of the zodiac, but she’s more like a beach crab with nothing to do except bask in the sun and get her claws wet. It sounds harsh, but Cancer is not stubborn at all simply because she’s way too flaky to hold her ground.

Sure, she might get stubborn in very small doses, but those crab claws of hers are really just for show. She might say that she’s not going to do what you say or listen to you, but show any bit of authority over her and she’ll back down. Sure, there’s nothing really wrong with letting herself be flighty, but it doesn’t help in times when she really does want something but doesn’t know how to make it happen.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22)
leo stubborn zodiac signs
Leo gets what she wants in life and she’ll run over anyone who tries to get in her way – Well, yes and no. She definitely knows the value of being stubborn until she gets what she wants (and that sometimes you gotta be a bitch about it), but she isn’t stupid, and she isn’t about to let one wrong move jeopardize her entire M.O.

Leo will be stubborn up until the point where it becomes stupid or reckless. She never wants to be known as the person who will do literally anything to get her way because, at that point, it’s not admirable or bad ass… it’s just dumb. Yes, she wants that new job so badly, but she isn’t going to blackmail the competition or dig up dirt on anyone just to make it easier for her to get it; she believes in playing fair.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
virgo stubborn zodiac signs
Virgo is like the dog that has a loud bark and some vicious-looking teeth, but when you give it a treat, it acts like you’re its new best friend. She may be stubborn every once in a while, but all of that goes away the minute you prove her wrong. She doesn’t like having to argue just to stay stubborn because she’s not that kind of person.

More than that, though, Virgo like to encourage her friends to hold their ground, even when she can’t. Just because her bark is worse than her bite doesn’t mean she doesn’t find stubbornness to be an inspiring trait. She sees how people get their way when they don’t back down, which is why she pretends to be more stubborn than she really is. She’s hoping one day it’ll trick someone into thinking she IS actually hardheaded.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
libra stubborn zodiac signs
If anyone could be the absolute furthest thing from stubborn, it would be Libra. Not only is there not a mean bone in her body, there isn’t a stubborn one, either. All she wants to do is please you, no matter what it takes. For some, this makes her seem like a total doormat, but for others, it’s just Libra being nice.

Unfortunately for her, being a pushover can get her into more trouble than she probably ever wants to be in. When Libra is a pushover (which is ALL the time), it’s like a green light for people to just use her for her kindness and then leave. And the worst part? She doesn’t know how to be stubborn just enough to tell people to cut it out — so, she’s doomed to being walked all over all the time.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
scorpio stubborn zodiac signs
Scorpio seems like the type of person to always have an opinion about everything and everyone at all times, but in reality, she’s a pretty docile individual. You should never underestimate her, but she’s not nearly as aggressive as everyone makes her out to be. As for being stubborn, she’s hardheaded, alright, but not in the way you’d suspect.

Scorpio has high hopes for herself and high expectations about what she can achieve. So, whenever you see the most stubborn parts of Scorpio, it’s usually because she’s got that “go get ‘em” attitude about something (or someone) she really wants and she’s not going to let go until she gets it. But about you and your life, she couldn’t care less. She might be a hard ass on herself, but she believes in letting you do you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 19)
sagittarius stubborn zodiac signs
Sagittarius can be pretty darn stubborn, but she’s also very good-natured about it. She isn’t so much someone who will argue until she’s blue in the face, but if she says she’s not going somewhere or doing something and that’s that, you better believe she’s serious. Sagittarius has definitely been around and she tries to use her smarts to make better decisions.

The biggest reason Sagittarius is stubborn is because of her past. She doesn’t ever want to make the same mistake twice, so when she puts her foot down about something, it’s so she doesn’t sleep with the same jerk again or try to make amends with the roommate who tries burning all of her clothes. You might not think it’s such a big deal to make mistakes, but that’s one thing she hates.

CAPRICORN (Dec 20 - Jan 19)
capricorn stubborn zodiac signs
If anyone personifies the saying “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me,” it’s Capricorn. She may be stubborn, but it’s only because she doesn’t want to end up in a helpless situation again. She tries to base all of her future decisions on past experience, and if she tells you that she’s going to do her own thing, then it ain’t happenin’ — period.

Capricorn can actually be incredibly kind and sweet, but if you try to pressure her into doing something – especially if she’s already told you as politely as possible that she isn’t going to cave in — then her entire demeanor can change. Chances are pretty good that you’ll never actually see this side of her, but don’t poke the bear because I promise you won’t like what you see.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
aquarius stubborn zodiac signs
Trying to get Aquarius to stop being stubborn is like trying to get a cement wall to move for you because it’s in your way. In other words: Nope. Nuh uh. Not happening. Aquarius is stubborn about everything, and if you call her out on it, she’ll probably stubbornly refuse she’s being stubborn at all.

There are very few ways (if any at all) to get Aquarius to stop being so pig-headed all the time, but you pretty much have to be the BFF she tells every dirty little secret to persuade her. She certainly doesn’t care what anyone thinks and absolutely hates hearing your opinion, so she keeps being stubborn and doing exactly what she wants because no one can tell her otherwise.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
pisces stubborn zodiac signs
Pisces is very adamant about standing up for what she believes in and not backing down on the things that are important to her. All in all, she likes using her stubbornness (which isn’t as vicious as other signs’) for good, not evil. But just because Pisces can be stubborn doesn’t mean you always see it; you’re more likely to see her being sweet and bubbly instead of bitchy or hardheaded.

Pisces may try to dig her heels into the ground and stick to her guns about other things besides her convictions, but she can be pretty easy to persuade. She might say she wants frozen yogurt, but tempt her with ice cream and she’ll melt in your hands. Don’t take her for a pushover, but she’s not as scary and stubborn as she wants people to think.
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Old 07-30-2018, 01:35 PM   #2
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LMAO I'm on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces and I am definitely a combination of the two with my stubbornness. I sink my heels in deep when it comes to things I believe in. I have no problem admitting to my stubbornness however I'm not easily persuaded to give in.
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Old 07-30-2018, 01:49 PM   #3
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Sounds about right, thanks for sharing
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Old 07-30-2018, 10:36 PM   #4
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I'm Aquarius and pretty stubborn at times, but I'm a guy.
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Old 07-31-2018, 12:48 PM   #5
slim deez
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Yep just what I thought. My SO is a Taurus.
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Old 07-31-2018, 01:18 PM   #6
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I am a Leo and stand proud of it. Fits me to a T!!!

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22)
leo stubborn zodiac signs
Leo gets what she wants in life and she’ll run over anyone who tries to get in her way – Well, yes and no. She definitely knows the value of being stubborn until she gets what she wants (and that sometimes you gotta be a bitch about it), but she isn’t stupid, and she isn’t about to let one wrong move jeopardize her entire M.O.

Leo will be stubborn up until the point where it becomes stupid or reckless. She never wants to be known as the person who will do literally anything to get her way because, at that point, it’s not admirable or bad ass… it’s just dumb. Yes, she wants that new job so badly, but she isn’t going to blackmail the competition or dig up dirt on anyone just to make it easier for her to get it; she believes in playing fair.
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Old 07-31-2018, 02:07 PM   #7
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Not too shabby :-)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 19)
sagittarius stubborn zodiac signs
Sagittarius can be pretty darn stubborn, but she’s also very good-natured about it. She isn’t so much someone who will argue until she’s blue in the face, but if she says she’s not going somewhere or doing something and that’s that, you better believe she’s serious. Sagittarius has definitely been around and she tries to use her smarts to make better decisions.

The biggest reason Sagittarius is stubborn is because of her past. She doesn’t ever want to make the same mistake twice, so when she puts her foot down about something, it’s so she doesn’t sleep with the same jerk again or try to make amends with the roommate who tries burning all of her clothes. You might not think it’s such a big deal to make mistakes, but that’s one thing she hates.
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