Wow ..... Everything is Big In Texas..!
Well ... well
I Just want to say thank you for the warm welcome Cowboy2step....and friends of Abilene... WOW .... wow..!
If I was a weather Girl reporting the News ... I would say to all that provide to the Real hobby.... 
The weather report would read ....that I have not seen So much stream of Rain pour from My ....Oh Sorry, From the river banks in a long time... Wow..
Mmmmmm.... yes .....YES.. ! However, with that being said ... 
If you did not know take a Trip to Abilene...check how full your River Bank will fill up...! That's Rafaela Action News Today...!
Mmmmmmm... Wow Abilene... 
Thank you ..To all the sexy ...hobby
A todos os homens SEXY