Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Before I say anything I need to make a point that anyone with an IQ greater than 70 will be reflexively aware of.
Fuck the hateful GOBC non-men.
#respect, #menwithballsacks, #whatthefuck
checking reports and knowing a few members
All GOBC that I know of guys that took her reported YES
I am not a member of
guy this thread is about not a member that I know of
So you seem ta trash any male you think is a member
as you do not get along with a few, or make that one that is not. but put him in
but seem to get a long ok with one that is a member, but you do not know that. he is a member
LOL at membership drive that I did not know was going on till after the fact.
All but one voted NO to ask me. yet I'm ok with most of. them
So stop blowing smoke at something you really have no idea of
Last night I was at a bar, Went out for a smoke. Guy that followed me out was a biker calling in for a beat down. Seems a guy was putting down a biker and had no idea who was talking to.
At end of call I said I know nothing. We talked gangs n bikes. Then again I said I know nothing. High 5 and he told me what time to be out of that fucking bar.So to be sure I know nothing.
But I had my eye on a filly that was ready ta play, Spent to much time trying ta close the deal. Never did darn. I love the site of seeing a gang of bikes roll in. Never was in one, in my youth knew many. I was glad I made it out just in time as a few said HI long time no see ta me.
moral of story, never talk shit about shit ya know nothing about when you do not who all ya talking to or about. And know when ta know nothing. N ya never know who will cover your ass some day. As I can see one GOBC member that would cover your ass. just sayin