Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Sunday I see a UTR that I have not in a month. And that time was just for chat before a operation. After a long chat, and the deed was done. She says I would love some ice cream right now. Now I love Abbotts. But she wanted to go to Friendly's. Being with someone I enjoy spending time with, it still tasted so good. She had black raspberry cone. I had vanilla dish with fudge.
So at risk of upsetting a few
Its that time for year, what is your favorite ice cream and flavor? When is the best time for enjoying? After sex was good.
When I got to pay for for this. It was almost eight dollars. So if one where in JHS or HS and he/she wants to treat a sweetheart. How does one pay for it now days. You can not get a teen to cut the lawn, its hard for a teen to find a job. And most will not. You never see kids picking fruit for cash. errrr you do not even see kids cut lawn for parents any more.
Where does the cash come from now for young ones in puppy love to go out???
2nd thought
As my date at 40 something and late at that, and me in my mid 50's sat in my truck enjoying chat and the treat. This Friendly's is in burbs near being in the sticks with a UDC project near by, by the way. There where two distinct group of kids hanging out. Both of mixed race. One group was sicking to eating ice cream as pairs or small groups and well behavior was noted by me. The other was loud and going from car to car begging for smokes and cash. One teen came to my truck. A Hispanic asking for a smoke and cash. When my date said no. We hear "you owe me". And offered harm to her if she could not get her boy to pay up. I ended that in my way and got the rats to run. To the cheer of the other kids about, and older in there cars. And my thought. If I wanted that I would have went to get ice cream in the ghetto. Does UDC help some learn better ways? Or just spread bad behavior?
edit: And yes the bad group of kids had pants low that made them look like penguins.