Originally Posted by WTF
Can't wait until Twittler joins him.
I get the (John Grisham's)
"A Time to Kill" desire / need for someone (or group of. "someones"..) to die....whether it be by natural means (or a vengeance killing by the fictional character, Carl Lee Hailey).
what exactly....and feel free to document a detailed, in depth description as such....has Donald J Trump done to you, family members, or close / personal friends that would drive you to wish him dead? Truly, I'm curious because I cannot understand for the life of me anyone who would desire the death of an elected official (let alone anyone else unless they've inflicted real harm)....I really don't.
So, wtf, if you truly, fervently desire that to occur, please tell us what he's done that you'd say / write such a thing? Other than him raping, beating, and violating a loved one as in the suggested aforementioned fictional tale, WHAT has Trump done to you?