Originally Posted by txboi817
I have p411 which helps...sort of. You would think with 200 reviews and P411 that I wouldn't need to get screened but it happens once in a while.
The number of reviews a gent has means absolutely nothing in verification. It doesn't say if you were late, if you were good with the funds, if you're a clingy asshat, if you smell like ass or if you left brown marks on the sheets. There is no way to verify a session even occurred, except to ask the lady. Curious how many false reviews float around just to get PA. 🤔
Originally Posted by txboi817
I usually give the ladies my number, and then send them the eccie links of ladies I know will respond.
👆 that is perfect. Providing a link is especially helpful when ladies have similar names. It just saves time and limits the back and forth.