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Old 01-28-2018, 02:29 PM   #1
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Default Just wondering about y'all's thoughts on spirituality...

(Disclaimer: genuinely curious, not looking for a fight about anything, as divisive a topic as this could be)

Guess I just wanted to share some background on myself and see where other people are at. It being Sunday and all.

Despite living in three states, I've always been in conservative Christian small towns and raised as such. For many years, though, I've been gradually sliding to the left over various theological/political issues (they seem inextricably linked here in America). I didn't think the love affair between evangelicals and Republicans was healthy for either, as exemplified in the furor over LGBTQ marriage rights or less seriously the War on Christmas.

Then Trump ascended and that slide accelerated greatly. Long story short, I'd call myself a liberal now.

It seems to me a good chunk of modern Christianity has lost its way, or perhaps never had it in the first place. I don't have the certainty to say there's no higher power at all or that some other tradition I haven't studied doesn't have it right, so I guess I'm agnostic. I'm still regularly attending church and related activities--most of my friends and family IRL are Christian, I do appreciate the community, and good works are still done, believe it or not. I was just recently down in Texas with a church group rebuilding flood-damaged homes.

But, obviously, I'm involved in some pretty unrepentant "sin" here they'd all condemn, and I don't consider it wrong, assuming everyone's truly independent, of age, and consenting. So...guess I'm wondering, today, how long I'll be content to drift along, and if eventually I'll feel like I need to make a big Decision about What I Believe.

Why am I even rambling about this here?

Well, I'd sort of assumed before I started that the antagonism between most organized religions and sex workers would be mutual. But one of the providers I met last month had several charities listed on her site, and one of them was Christian. I asked her about it. Apparently they helped her and her family out at a very bad time as a kid and she's never forgotten. Don't know what her beliefs are beyond that in the present day, but it got me wondering. Anybody have something to say?
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Old 01-28-2018, 03:56 PM   #2
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This was probably pointless, wasn't it? Same as my attempt to introduce myself. I'll just leave the forums alone for now until I've seen someone local and taken a stab at writing a review...
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Old 01-28-2018, 04:12 PM   #3
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Welcome Warden639! I too am a liberal and am personally going crazy with Trump in office. I grew up in a very religious family and am not real religious right now. And extramarital sex is certainly not smiled upon with most religions. So I have various feelings of guilt, excitement, etc. So, I didn't say a whole lot either but my point was welcome and I too have various unsorted feeling about the hobby, religion and politics.
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Old 01-28-2018, 04:17 PM   #4
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Don't sweat it man. I've posted my share of threads that went nowhere. And some of the ones that did go somewhere turned into arguments. Also it really hasn't had much time for people to respond yet in any case - the OP was only a little over an hour and a half ago. Sometimes I'll post things that won't even get a response for 12+ hours, or even until the next day. It's normal. I think a lot of people only get on the board once a day or so.

It's also about a couple of intertwined topics (religion and politics) that tend to get people riled up, especially these days - so some people might not want to involve themselves in potential drama. Not saying you were trying to start drama at all, just that with those topics, drama sometimes follows whether wanted or not.

I wouldn't let it put you off from participating. Comment in other threads, on reviews, etc. Posting threads though, especially in coed, can be a little tough at times. There's always the likelihood that the comments you get may not be the ones you want (i.e., may be antagonistic). I've had to work on developing a thicker skin because of it. Still not where I want to be in that regard though, and I (obviously) post a lot.

It's worth participating here I think, but it's likely to be a little more gradual process than you may have anticipated.
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Old 01-28-2018, 05:48 PM   #5
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I personally don't care about religion, but I'm not going to bash anyone for their beliefs. Anyone is free to worship God, Buddha, Odin, Cthulhu, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. As long as it gives you a feeling of hope, peace, and/or happiness that's great. I just believe that everyone should get along and live by The Golden Rule.
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Old 01-28-2018, 05:59 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist View Post
I personally don't care about religion, but I'm not going to bash anyone for their beliefs. Anyone is free to worship God, Buddha, Odin, Cthulhu, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. As long as it gives you a feeling of hope, peace, and/or happiness that's great. I just believe that everyone should get along and live by The Golden Rule.
Pretty much where I am on things as well. If it gets someone through the day, cool.
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Old 01-28-2018, 06:06 PM   #7
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Pleased to meet you ,hope you guess my name,what’s puzzling you is the nature of my game!
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Old 01-28-2018, 06:35 PM   #8
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Thanks y'all. Don't mind me, sorry if I sound cranky.

I lurked for a bit before signing up; I look and see the rapport some of the prolific posters (like Spanky here) have with the ladies (and gentlemen) and want the same--instantly, apparently. There's ~90 providers listed in Arkansas, if I happened to connect with someone well on a public forum before even formally trying to book that'd help a lot in making choices, right?

But as far as that goes this was a pretty dumb thread to start if I want people to engage both meaningfully and non-antagonistically. I feel like I'm experiencing my cliche AUGH I'M TURNING 30 mid-life crisis a few years early, at a crossroads in a bunch of ways, but this probably isn't the right place/way/time to blab about everything in my head if I want to make a good first impression.

Wish I had made reviews of the providers I've already seen so I'd be less of a cipher, but I was squeamish about trying to write, essentially, porn. And at this point it's been a month so I doubt the details would be accurate.
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Old 01-28-2018, 06:51 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Warden639 View Post
Thanks y'all. Don't mind me, sorry if I sound cranky.

I lurked for a bit before signing up; I look and see the rapport some of the prolific posters (like Spanky here) have with the ladies (and gentlemen) and want the same--instantly, apparently. There's ~90 providers listed in Arkansas, if I happened to connect with someone well on a public forum before even formally trying to book that'd help a lot in making choices, right?

But as far as that goes this was a pretty dumb thread to start if I want people to engage both meaningfully and non-antagonistically. I feel like I'm experiencing my cliche AUGH I'M TURNING 30 mid-life crisis a few years early, at a crossroads in a bunch of ways, but this probably isn't the right place/way/time to blab about everything in my head if I want to make a good first impression.

Wish I had made reviews of the providers I've already seen so I'd be less of a cipher, but I was squeamish about trying to write, essentially, porn. And at this point it's been a month so I doubt the details would be accurate.
Lol, if you only knew the amount of times I've made a fool of myself here. It's OK. You can look back at my posting history if you don't believe me. You're fine. Just hang out a bit and let people get a sense of you. It does take a bit of time for folks to get comfortable with you, but they will as you interact.

As for reviews - I kind of had a bit of that going on myself at first too. It just seemed unseemly. One way I got over it was by trying to make the reviews more than just a list of activities that happened. How did I feel about the session in total? What were my impressions of the provider as a human being, not just as an escort? Did she surprise me in some way, or teach me something new, etc? When I looked at it that way it started to seem a bit less tawdry. More like a creative writing exercise.
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Old 01-28-2018, 08:48 PM   #10
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I’m still mulling this one over. It’s an interesting topic, and my thoughts on it are a bit...convoluted.
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Old 01-28-2018, 09:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Johnnytricks View Post
Pleased to meet you ,hope you guess my name,what’s puzzling you is the nature of my game!
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Old 01-28-2018, 09:41 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by JaneDarling View Post

I’m still mulling this one over. It’s an interesting topic, and my thoughts on it are a bit...convoluted.
let's get tangled up and contemplate the interplay of body and soul
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Old 01-28-2018, 09:55 PM   #13
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Moved to Sand Box
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Old 01-28-2018, 10:52 PM   #14
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I’m an atheist. Raised strict Lutheran on my mom’s side, dad’s side was German Jew. I’ve always felt more of a connection with logic than I did with faith.

But if I witness a miracle courtesy of the flying spaghetti monster, I’m open to reevaluating my beliefs.
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Old 01-29-2018, 01:01 AM   #15
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despite my flippancy i appreciate your struggles.
i can't buy into the authority that's claimed for what i see as works of fiction and mythology.
and the devout so often seem to have a strong desire to control others and at the same time very restricted views of who and what are acceptable and permitted. too narrow for me to agree with.
but ya know many people can easily get out of control and harm others, including their loved ones, when acting out their freedoms. so maybe tight control is evolved human nature to keep culture away from destructive tendencies and harming our children.
my non religious attempt to make sense of fundamentalism.

now the good works i think are phenomenal and what we all should cultivate. but being in the company of tight assed narrow minded bigots to do it would be tough for me to stomach.
but i admit the devout are among the best at selfless works of charity.

now a fundraiser toys for tots party for providers and hobbyists might get me out the house.

and as for sex as evil? nah.
if there's not willing and gleeful participation by all i don't see it as sex, but as exploitation. and i want nothing to do with that.
but what if her glee only comes from the money? if that bugs ya then you're really only bugged that she's not doing it out of awe over you. get over it. you're buying the act, and it's often mighty damn good. among the best.
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