Originally Posted by noober
It was the old school wax and no she didn't burn me, the wax stuck to my skin cuz it as left on too long and ripped off my skin.
I've been burned by wax no big deal but believe me when I say that the old school wax stuck to my skin and gave me one hell of a road rash lol
Wow! Yeah, Ive never used the old school stuff. Ive been an avid tweezer/shaver my whole life lol But ever since I started waxing, its been great. No stubble, the hair grows back more fine and doesnt feel as stiff as when you shave or pluck..
The reason I ended up buying this stuff was because I got tired of all the time it was taking me to keep up with hair removal. Waxing just made it so much faster and easier - its a big load off my mind lol
And yeah ZE is right.. And while Im not a professional, I do know what Im doing... I wouldnt do anything while waxing someone that I wouldnt do when waxing myself. Temperature is a big issue, luckily you can tell just by checking the wax thickness, if its cooled down enough. Im just speaking from personal experience, from waxing myself
But yes.. the smoothness of the balls is OUT OF THIS WORLD. I really didnt want to do anything but rub his balls all over my face and lips LOL (was my first time with a waxed scrotum lol but I loved it!)