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Old 10-09-2017, 11:23 AM   #1
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Default Supposed Greek Queens claiming "Too big for Greek".

Pardon the mini rant but for the 3rd time now since entering the hobby back during ASPD I've been suckered into yet another session based upon the "Greek Specialist" bait tag. This scam seems to be in vogue at present.

The Greek Queen or Goddess arrives, you pay the up charge for Greek (or not) and the moment you even go near the butt or after a feeble/fake attempt with her clenching her butt cheeks she pulls the ole "You're just too big routine".

I'm a rational and reasonable fella and I know for a fact I am at most average even on my best viagra day. If anyone is concerned about their partner's well being and comfort level it's always been me.

After a lifetime of countless RW petite lady partners I have never once been told I am too big for Greek. Those virgin to it of course required some tender loving care and proper warming up but enjoyed it. In fact they would usually request it fairly regularly from then on.
The same applies to every Greek provider I've booked who didn't advertise themselves as Greek Queen or Goddess. They all rocked.

The only times this stunt has been pulled is by those advertising themselves as a Greek specialist in order to entice you to book. The first time this happened was with Angela Greek Goddess of ASPD (Here under a slightly different name). Several other guys posted similar complaints about her at the time over pulling the same stunt. There was much board drama over it at the time.

I won't get into naming the latest two as both were out calls at my place and I don't need to piss of some hustler who has my RW info.

Greek Queen/Goddess my ass! Pun intentional.

OK that helped. I'm over it and rant over.

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Old 10-09-2017, 12:22 PM   #2
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Ouch! Pun intended lol.

My three favorite activities are BBBJ, SS and Greek yet I never book Greek due to concerns over this very issue.

I strongly suspect at my age I'm even less of a penis threat than you are. Let's start a least threatening pole poll.

If I could find a beautiful lady who rocked at those three activities and had a great personality I would drop the rest in a heartbeat despite having an impressive short list of confirmed great ladies to call.

I would book her every other week and that would be that as this would be like finding the holy grail.

Oh yeah this thread was about you wasn't it?
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Old 10-09-2017, 12:27 PM   #3
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What is the point of this thread if you are NOT going to name the Provider? IMHO, WASTED bandwidth!!!
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Old 10-09-2017, 12:42 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
What is the point of this thread if you are NOT going to name the Provider? IMHO, WASTED bandwidth!!!
I'm not quite sure how you missed the point of the thread as it was about a very specific trend that seems to be happening.

I realize you are pissed that I didn't blast the latest providers by name but honestly would you be stupid enough to out a scammy provider who knows your home address and even what your business is?

The topic itself is worth addressing because I know for a fact based upon board complaints that others have fallen victim to the same tactic so they can especially relate.

Take from the thread what you will and if it is wasted bandwidth because it didn't give you specifically what you wanted even at the risk of my safety then just move and be a self absorbed idiot elsewhere.

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Old 10-09-2017, 12:43 PM   #5
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Did they return the upcharge donation? If they did, then this is just a basic service complaint. If they didn't return it, then it is worthy of naming them to keep them from pulling that shit with other hobbyists.
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Old 10-09-2017, 12:51 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by EagleEye View Post
Did they return the upcharge donation? If they did, then this is just a basic service complaint. If they didn't return it, then it is worthy of naming them to keep them from pulling that shit with other hobbyists.

In the most recent cases there was no up charge but it was the promise of Greek that made the sale.

Again this thread isn't about said providers but rather about this growing trend.

How the fuck can anyone possibly not grasp why a monger wouldn't name names and deliberately endanger himself and his livelihood in the process?

Here's a hint.

Look for all current providers advertising Greek Specialist/Queen/Goddess.
That should narrow it down quite a bit. Once you've done that confirm with them before final booking whether or not this is something you should be concerned about.
If the provider backs off then I've just saved your ass. If the provider say there is Nothing to be concerned about then you know without doubt you can relax and proceed forward.

That is the true Purpose of this thread

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Old 10-09-2017, 01:07 PM   #7
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Yeah, most of the time I think the provider should give back an upcharge for an extra activity if I t doesn't work out in any case, def not the full donation. I.e: $100 extra for water sports, then she doesn't pee. This is just courtesy to me. I also feel that being honest about sizing and limits is considerate on both ends. It's very rare for me, but I have had a few clients that I could not deep throat and it was pretty reasonable why, I sure gave it my best though. I also tell people that I will do my absolute best if they give me the disclaimer that they are extra extra large or something. If a provider chooses to advertise CAN TAKE aNY POLE ANYWHERE FOR HOWEVER LONG and falls short, I believe she should make some kind of amends. Otherwise, just be honest about limitations and realize there may not be a client size you can handle, and then it doesn't feel as if you've been played as a client.

I've always found provider manipulation to be very tacky and unnecessary really; fake photos, exaggerated claims and services, etc.. if you can learn to sell the real YOU, your product never runs out or needs to be duplicated or compared. But I digress...

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Old 10-09-2017, 01:11 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by JadeRose View Post
Yeah, most of the time I think the provider should give back an upcharge for an extra activity if I t doesn't work out in any case, def not the full donation. I.e: $100 extra for water sports, then she doesn't pee. This is just courtesy to me. I also feel that being honest about sizing and limits is considerate on both ends. It's very rare for me, but I have had a few clients that I could not deep throat and it was pretty reasonable why, I sure gave it my best though. I also tell people that I will do my absolute best if they give me the disclaimer that they are extra extra large or something. If a provider chooses to advertise CAN TAKE aNY POLE ANYWHERE FOR HOWEVER LONG and falls short, I believe she should make some kind of amends. Otherwise, just be honest about limitations and realize there may not be a client size you can handle, and then it doesn't feel as if you've been played as a client.

Agreed however those providers shouldn't be advertising as Greek Specialists especially when the penis is Not anywhere close to large.
You can be sure I am not one to publicly downgrade the size of my penis just to make a point. I need every inch I can get lol

Also there was no Greek up charge however the promise of Greek is the Only reason I booked them over other options who were better looking and more talented in other areas.
It's called false advertising.

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Old 10-09-2017, 01:12 PM   #9
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I wish jade could deepthroat me, but alas I can't even make it the lil punching bag thingy in the back of her mouth.
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Old 10-09-2017, 01:18 PM   #10
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I agree that if there was an uncharge, it should be returned if the extra activity did not take place, however, its her butthole, I think She has the right to determine whats big or not big.

Ive never done Greek, privately or professionally, but I know a lot of "prep" goes into it. Maybe she wasn't 100% comfortable and saying you were too big was a polite way to decline what might otherwise be a .....shitty situation.
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Old 10-09-2017, 01:32 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Exotic Yazmin DDD View Post
I agree that if there was an uncharge, it should be returned if the extra activity did not take place, however, its her butthole, I think She has the right to determine whats big or not big.

Ive never done Greek, privately or professionally, but I know a lot of "prep" goes into it. Maybe she wasn't 100% comfortable and saying you were too big was a polite way to decline what might otherwise be a .....shitty situation.

Yes it's her butt hole and choice just like it's my hard earned money and choice to walk out without paying the full donation and getting blasted afterward in alerts.

I call a restaurant that advertises premier seafood restaurant.

I tell them I would like to reserve a table and time because I am in the mood for great seafood and they say come on over because we are the BEST seafood restaurant in town.

I arrive and sit down only to be told after appetizers that the chef doesn't feel like cooking seafood right now but if I choose not to settle for Mexican tacos and leave I will still need to pay for the full meal because they reserved the table.

Good luck to any restaurant trying to pull that stunt.

I am a firm believer that a provider should be paid based upon quality of services provided rather than services promised or advertised.

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Old 10-09-2017, 01:54 PM   #12
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I post being a Greek loving squirter and I've never turned anyone down within the hobby.
No, I'm not a young spinner but I enjoy and don't tense up. I also don't upcharge for it.
Granted, I prefer to know in advance so that I can clean out in order to be ready but female condoms are great too.

I agree that the upcharge shouldn't be paid if that activity doesn't take place!
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Old 10-09-2017, 02:11 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lightesttouch View Post
I realize you are pissed that I didn't blast the latest providers by name but honestly would you be stupid enough to out a scammy provider who knows your home address and even what your business is?
I'm not pissed at all. I am making a valid point here. Furthermore, this site is about Information Exchange not hiding Information under a rock or in this case, claiming a Provider is false advertising, then refusing to name who is alleged to be false advertising! I maintain this thread is a waste of time if you refuse to name the alleged false advertiser.

My question back to you is why were you "stupid" (your word, not mine) enough to disclose your personal information to a member who can use it to blackmail you?
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Old 10-09-2017, 02:14 PM   #14
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What did your research yield when you checked her reviews for her propensity to provide Greek?
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Old 10-09-2017, 03:12 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
I'm not pissed at all. I am making a valid point here. Furthermore, this site is about Information Exchange not hiding Information under a rock or in this case, claiming a Provider is false advertising, then refusing to name who is alleged to be false advertising! I maintain this thread is a waste of time if you refuse to name the alleged false advertiser.

My question back to you is why were you "stupid" (your word, not mine) enough to disclose your personal information to a member who can use it to blackmail you?
Actually I never used the word stupid. I called you a self absorbed idiot to be specific lol. That really was uncalled for on my part so I'll gladly rescind it.

When a provider comes to your home for out call there is no getting around knowing who you are after screening. This really requires explanation? How my livelihood was easily determined is something that I indeed would be stupid to go into further in an open forum.

Bottom line is when you come to my place you can easily determine what I do for a living without my saying a single word.

Blackmail is not the concern. Plain ole vindictiveness would be. That is the only downside to outcalls at your home but to me this is still far less risky than walking into an unfamiliar incall.

I have been doing strictly out calls for decades and have never had a problem however I don't go around creating enemies either.
For the last time the thread is about the topic of Greek Specialist misrepresentation itself as a discussion piece and NOT about the specific providers. If it doesn't sink in yet then it simply Won't sink in and I must concede.

If you do just a little bit of research at least one of them has had a recent complaint regarding this.

If you have nothing to contribute regarding the topic itself then you can sit down and shut up because you really have nothing to contribute.

There have been numerous complaints from other mongers regarding the topic itself. Who the specific providers are is irrelevant. I've provided enough hints and if you can't follow basic clues or at least get some useful insights from the topic itself then I would suggest you simply strain your brain with other more pressing thoughts such as what shoes to wear tomorrow.

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