Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
News outlets are reporting that the fudge packing lying liberal Mayor of Seattle will resign after his latest molestation accuser ( his own cousin ! ) came forward to support the homeless ( forbidden topic ) that the Mayor had FORCED " relations " with ! Looks like the lying liberals here on this site that like to accuse GOP members of doing what THEIR Mayor did are hypocrites ONCE AGAIN !!!!!!! Bet that Mayor was all for " gender neutral " bathrooms ! Too bad his Slick Willy-style defense didn't work out for him ! 
While its about time, i DO find it strange all these allegations are
A) over 30 years old and
B) not sufficient for him to be FIRED< unlike a conservative speaker at Fox news, or many other businesses, where mere allegations are sufficient to see a conservative person fired, YET ACTUAL evidence on a Dem doing worse, and they have to "wait and see" before firing them..