Originally Posted by bambino
One might think ShitStainzee is committing Russian Roulette by sticking his tongue up so many anonymous assholes. 
Now that's some kind of SUPER insult there, EATLER.
I'm familiar with the notion of playing Russian Roulette. You know, one bullet in a six shot revolver, yadda yadda yadda.
How would one commit Russian Roulette? Would sticking one's tongue up multiple anonymous assholes be the difference between playing and committing? What the fuck are the rules of committing Russian TUYA Roulette? Are you looking for the empty "chamber" or the full one?
Either way, EATLER, you've been exposed for the jagoff we all knows yinz to be. ANd you're going to wind up doing what you're best at ... a
EAting a ton of shit.