Guys, a lot of you reach out and go through the motions of screening to book. Then you tell me "to let you know when I get into town".
Thats not how this works. I do not live in San Antonio; so I will not drove 1 hour 45 minutes without things being booked. That just doesnt make sense to me.
Also I do share this location and granted it isn't high traffic, however if you dont book within the time I am saying it is available. I can not guarantee that it will due to this fact.
Please when reaching out to me be ready to book something. I do not have time to deal with time wasters for both of our times are valuable.
Also please do not pm me with your email to send pics. I am very busy since I do infact have a real world job. Go a head and send me an email letting me know your handle.
Thank you
Proceed to you daily activities. I am stepping from my soap box 😝