Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Not that hard, but more than easy.
Fill out a bunch of paperwork for a court order. And, of course, some fun filing fees.
See Subchapter B
Highly recommend that this be discussed with an attorney in same county that you reside, as the paperwork needs to be "correct". (The petition and the "pre"-prepared court order)
Afterwards, must get new drivers licence and also notify Social Security (they'll usually ask for a copy of the court order or the certificate. So get extra copies).
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That link breaks it down perfectly. Not a lot of jibberish like I've found all over the net.
Sounds like it's something I could easily move forward with.
Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Do you want to officially change your name to Brooke Wild? Haha.

I laughed at that harder then I should have.
In all seriousness, I was adopted and while my mom and dad were phenomenal people and never made me feel anything less then their blood daughter, I never felt connected to anything and now that they have passed, I kind of feel like I am floating around, just here, lacking any real family so I've been thinking for a while that changing my name and giving myself a fresh start might help me some.