Lets see the reach-around crew justify how it's " ok " for the NORK's to launch YET ANOTHER MISSLE , this time into the waters close to or BEST Pacific ally, and say that " It's all Trump's fault " . " It wuz tha Rush-ins " , right assup !!! ? Let's here it, ya dingleberry pickers ! It sure COULDN'T be that the " apology tour " of odummer ( a fellow peter puffer and EUNUCH ) emboldened them to put their missile AND nuclear programs into high gear when they saw what a weak POS he and ALL YOU swishy walking lying liberals are ! ! Aw, No ! Sure it wasn't that !!!! ? Say It ain't so !!!!
Hope ya didn't over work your swishy wrists at the " pre-4th of July rehearsal " for the 4th of July parade waving YOUR " rainbow " fag flags ! Hope YOU all learned how to march " in step " from Yall's hero and HEB parking lot troller, seArgnet shitburner !

:clap ping: