Originally Posted by Longermonger
Sickening. You guys don't challenge Global Climate Change data.
I would like to point out how absolutely impossible it would be to challenge
Climate Change. Since the beginning of recorded history, the climate has changed just about every day. It gets hotter, it gets cooler. Yet, there always seems to be a snake oil salesman around, trying to stir up some fear:
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New York Times (1881):
“This past Winter, both inside and outside the Arctic circle, appears to have been unusually mild. The ice is very light and rapidly melting …”
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New York Times (1895):
“Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again.”
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New York Times (1932)
“NEXT GREAT DELUGE FORECAST BY SCIENCE; Melting Polar Ice Caps to Raise the Level of Seas and Flood the Continents”
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New York Times (1975)
“A Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable.”
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New York Times (1979)
“A puzzling haze over the Arctic ice packs has been identified as a byproduct of air pollution, a finding that may support predictions of a disastrous melting of the earth’s ice caps.”
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I would love to challenge the 'Hockey Stick' data...which is not based on raw data at all (its been 'filtered'). Where is the raw data? The dog ate their homework. Allegedly, the raw data was lost when the 'researchers' moved to a new office building.
So I'm going to switch this around 180 degrees. If we are to completely change our way of life, in the name of 'climate change', somebody is going to have to produce data which
Proves global warming/climate change/ozone depletion or whatever the hell they are calling it these days.
I believe we are going to take short break from all this nonsense...as some 'prominent scientists' were indeed caught falsifying data. The half-hearted 'investigations' of fraud are about over...and just about all the dust bunnies have been swept under the carpet...but these con men are going to go underground for a few years, before we see another push. I don't see a carbon tax in our near future (as recently as two years ago it seemed to be an absolute certainty). I even believe we may see a reversal of the wattage limits on bulbs, as more is learned about the problems with CFL's.
At its pinnacle, Global Warming had attracted both political parties...remember Newt and Nancy sitting on the couch together? Whenever both political parties line up together and claim 'we just have to do something', I get very concerned....somehow I get the feeling that my best interests are not at the forefront of their thought process. I'm glad its died down for now; and, quite frankly, we have enough genuine problems to keep ourselves occupied.