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Old 06-07-2017, 12:20 AM   #1
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Default I Want Your Text: How High-End Escorts Communicate with Clients

A high-end escort in NYC who specializes in "girlfriend experience" shares and explains her more intimate text exchanges with her clients.

Like any other job, "high-end escort" entails a lot of work, and communication is a big part of that. For all of the flakey clients who call, wanting to talk for upwards of an hour, only to cancel their overnight appointment at the last minute, there is a small percentage of men who seem to understand this is a lot of unpaid emotional labor.

Seen here is a client who sent a little cash to get my attention. My favorite regulars know this is the trick to bump you to the head of the line.

In this career path, there are certain biases in who gets ahead. For one, wealthy clients want to see girls with backgrounds similar to their own—higher education, a sense of family money, etc. (With a little backstory research this can, of course, be faked.)

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Another truth: If you want clients to buy you Chanels and Choos, you must already own Chanels and Choos. Clients are paying for a sense of luxury and some will go as far as to check your person for designer labels. When they pull this move, send them some items from your Net-a-Porter wish list later. Sometimes, as seen here, they will help contribute

A very successful escort once told me that the secret to being happy in this industry is being yourself. If I acted totally pleasing and subservient with my clients, I would go crazy. Instead, I act like a coy-but-loving alpha-bitch, and I retain regulars who can't get enough of it.

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Part of what "high-end escort" denotes is a more "sophisticated" sense of sexuality. It's about creating a space where a client can build trust, explore fantasies, and figure out new things they like. With regulars, I'm always asking pointed questions, listening, assessing, and trying to better understand what fuels (or kills) their libido. I use all of this information to plan and direct how our next session will go. All the better if I also find the fantasy somewhat sexy—like the one seen here.

In this industry, sites like VerifyHim (a resource for strippers, sugar babies, and escorts) help to screen clients. At the time of this text exchange, this man—new to seeing escorts—was not yet blacklisted as a "time waster/do not see" but he is now. He expected that because I'm a "girlfriend experience" (GFE) that means I would bareback. I explained that I would never have unprotected sex and then looked around for my envelope, which had not been made available. We walked in the cold to the ATM together (oh, yes, I am not above walking a client to the ATM) and then he disappeared while I waited nearby. Blacklisted.


"Review board culture" is a contentious topic among escorts. Basically, there are Yelp-like sites where clients review escort services, often in pornographic detail. Reviews can help girls to get more work yet some worry it might do more harm to our brand than good. Seen here is a client threatening to give me a bad review because I won't see him, without proper screening information.

I'm not sure what type of person would typically book a "straight male escort," but here I've talked one of my regulars into doing it. I know him well enough to know he might have a thing for watching me with another guy. Shopping for the encounter was so fun.

Murphy's Law of escorting: You will get super hot clients with whom you share amazing sex, and these are the clients that inevitably disappear after one session. It takes some restraint to not then text them, repeatedly, after they don't get back to you. Here, I lack restraint.

I was "touring" another city when I got a late-night in-call request. I showered, started getting ready, and then had to reassure the client—a first-timer—that it was all going to be OK. He showed up and at once I understood: He was a literal teenager, 19, a chiseled Greek god, horny, beautiful and high on MDMA. We both made the most of the next two hours. Sometimes, I feel like I have to really explain why "high-end escort" is basically the best job in the world—and other times the experiences speak for themselves.
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Old 06-13-2017, 10:25 PM   #2
The Infamous One
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This is how I feel about it when I'm at the top of my game. Unfortunately, I had to create a persona so unlike my real self when I started again this time, that I burned out fast.

I've found the sweet spot for me in this biz is working in the field I enjoy part-time while using it as a stepping stone to continue my education in that field. When you don't have to depend on the hobby, and have a sense of control over who YOU want to spend your time with, not just survival; you get to be extremely selective and be more truthful about your target audience/market.

I was almost out of the hobby and very content with my career last year until something tragic happened. I said I would not come back, but no where else can you go from living in luxury to losing everything and ending up in a homeless shelter to making it all back in less than a year all whilst enjoying the freedom from a fucking cubical, safely exploring your sexuality on your terms, being able to provide for your children when no one supports you financially or otherwise, becoming a self made woman and still get to participate in life instead of working at a Meaningless job for 30 years. Oh & the sex without commitment especially when your goals are your kids and outside career. The hobby had saved my life and entiched my children's​ lives by being able to have quality time with them. It's unorthodox but who cares?!
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Old 06-14-2017, 03:54 AM   #3
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I am to a starting C.N.A July 17 2017
Training . I will be out of the biz by 2019 This week is Gradation ceremony and I get done.I am a High School Gradation I have great family ,an great support system , I have someone that loves me more then life his itself .He will be getting an second job this weekend.I have stop smoking newports,became a Red Cross C.P.R volunteer instructor .i got to vote for the first time in 4years ,and become a member of the women's club around here.My friend from florida is going up doing the summer going to do doubles.She is great friend.I have Great Solid Reviews,Great Site Great Photos,Now i will have more time to make new friends . I have a solid Fan Base here in Portland.I am aslo working an app and going on small new england tour the summer with my friend.I am going to rent a beach house for 4 days this summer and will take pictures as well .I hope to get some friends and providers for meet and Greet Luchin Party next year in may At Old Orhid Beach .I will Pay each escort 40 dollars ,I will provide 5 pictures and fashion show with sexy themes and 3mintues little mainstream video clip ad ...
Lets Do Something real special for the gents are our bread and butter and I want .. suggested any one any providrs to go half on commercial building or to have aproviders party I tried to the others providers together to have elite luncheons talk about stragedy and really do something special elevate the game .
Do not be alone more ..Do Have a support System .
I think all girls that do full service get paid. I just move here a year ago.Get paid the same so these gents will stop jewwing the girl down and when there thing does not work it real.Just keep it real Be Honest and Lets Make Money together lets us double Or Not lets Me Friends Maybe go 2 man session doing the season Lets Docalls together .Lets Car Pool Lets Start an Small Business With Some Loyal : I want to do all Given get an an small massages building in 3 years.I want to get Web cam business Mass Media .Media Photography Being REAl Friends To this Business is gets lonely ,Sometimes I can not work due to school or Medical at the end of the month I will share if you do or we give 20 with Every Referal is Completed. Let's Make make Money and Not Be Lonely..
* Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve
* Encourage client self-discovery
* Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
* Hold the client responsible and accountable

email me if you want to get on my level and thru created a private lady's club and do chartity with homeless and Children ,I think if they make the business license easy ,an all sex workers do atleast 20 of Chartiy work an month,And Use our tax return to our charity,i hate the way put down use take avatange ,robbed ,insult and demend etc so girls in the biz are just lost over stress and low esteam ours are con artists drug addicts ,other's like beleive it like a therpist ,i am healer,If I bring so much happyness and i am not a burdern on the state ,, I do alot , i have no bad habits i have changed my life and i would like to get a petion started and get the girls legit happy and safe and heathly and it will stop alot of victim's less crime and if I show the postive and economy of it easyier for escorts to obtain a adult enteriment lic so they can pay taxes and be there own boss and Depend on No one
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Old 06-14-2017, 03:57 AM   #4
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Design a Forum/Escort referral live Chat room
This an forum /chat room is chat with real escorts and get real feeback from other Hobbiest and escort get to know The Gent More Personal Like chatting flirted and much more.

I think My personal Touch VERFICATION SERVICES FOR HOBBYISTS AND PROVIDERS Will Give a Chance to know the person before Hand and it gets lonely in the winter months
And design An App this summer
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