Originally Posted by NubianPrince
With GFE you're more likely to encounter those amateurish "not too deep please", "not too hard"....
Yeah .... and BLAH BLAH BLAH
What I despise are the amateurish JOHNS who are just hoping to GET a hard on and BE ABLE to fuck to the "deep" level.
However, it is all about the session itself ... and perhaps the TURN ON comes from more than "just strip down and fuck me baby."
Amateurish? Get real - many GFE ladies on this board have been around for a while and do VERY WELL ... with.. I guess I will say "the gentleman".
Originally Posted by BLM69
I agree, don't forget that most hookers don't know how to give a good BJ...
Many girls advertise GFE ONLY and YMMV - and take a look at their recent reviews to get a glimpse of their awesome skills.
Originally Posted by mtabsw
GFE is a girl friend who used to work in porn...
Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
...I'd like to add, just because a girl is gfe, doesn't mean she isn't into pse activities and vice versa.
You really need to read a lot of her reviews to know the types of activities you can expect.
Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
...When I think of PSE, raunchy, fast-paced or even primal fucking is what comes to mind.
Also, Greek and ass play, fisting, deep throat, and face fucking are just some of the activities that definitely fall outside of the purview of what's considered GFE
Well said!
Most all of the ladies who responded to this thread are right on the mark.... and even some of the johns (those gentleman I keep talking about).
It is not always "safe" to advertise every activity you perform ... because that is when the creeps come out of the closets.
Better to be discussed in PM's.
Be aware tho - the "gentleman aspect" is important.
Create your PM accordingly - or you probably will get a NO THANKS. Unless that is ... the gal is up front about her PSE activities.
Even then ... as per some of the threads I've seen .. doesn't mean she ACTUALLY will do EVERYTHING you might think.
Bottom line probably is ... what level of class do you want your session to be?