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Old 04-04-2011, 10:57 PM   #1
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Default On Cuckolding!

Hello to all the providers, hobbyists, and kinksters alike. I have a few questions I would like to ask the community regarding Cuckolding! First of all are there any ladies on this board who actually enjoy cuckolding men, because I am interested?

Next, I understand that some people have taken things a bit further into "Another Realm" and are actually in a Cuckold Relationship as a way of life, are their any people on here who have walked the walk and talked the talk and have lived the lifestyle? This is something that I have pondered about for some time now. The reason why I say this is because there is a difference in cuckolding a man for lets say 1hr, versus someone who is living the lifestyle.

My last question is for the lovely ladies who have made this board what it is today. For the women who are in the game of hobbying, do any of you view a Cuckold Relationship as a way out of the game? I realize that some women on here may be in the game for a short period of time inorder to better themselves and to put themselves through school which I appreciate and respect totally. On the other hand however, its a full time profession for some women. As we all know in today's world and especially since 2008, one has to fund their own retirement or there will be nothing at the end of the "Yellow Brick Road." Another thing to consider is, is your home paid off? This board is dominated by women who are in their 20's, 30's, and 40's. How many reviews are their by women in their 50's, 60's, or 70's?

Thank you,

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Old 04-05-2011, 07:18 AM   #2
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Thanks for bringing the subject you open a huge door. If a provider has a male S.O. this person may be in a cuckold situation.
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Old 04-05-2011, 04:22 PM   #3
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Im sorry to say it, but it has been my experience that when guy contacts me about a cuckhold session he is a big time waster. He just wants to email/discuss his fantasy but go no further.

Has anyone had a real experience with a session like this?
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Old 04-05-2011, 05:28 PM   #4
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Cristy, your correct. Some men are all talk & no action! Those men over think things.

I express: Less talk & more action. I dislike men discussing in great length what they want. Because they tend to over think their fantasies and in the end chicken out on exploring them. Life's too short for that crap.

If you have a fantasy, find someone to help you explore & enjoy it. Just DO IT and stop talking about it!!

As to the OP: Yes, there are women who cater to & enjoy the cuckold pleasure. There are folks who have lived it, explore it and for many it is very much part of their life.
Your question regarding cuckold & relationship seem to be really two different questions posed as one. Are you inferring that folks in this adult hobby, who enjoy cuckold are in relationships of some kind?

As I never view any *date* I enjoy in this adult hobby, even that of cuckold. As a means of it being a relationship or my giving up my *hobby*. If I want to leave this adult hobby. I would & will when I no longer enjoy men. It's my hobby, it's not my job. And thus I enjoy the assorted pleasurable affairs of all kinds.

Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS View Post
Im sorry to say it, but it has been my experience that when guy contacts me about a cuckhold session he is a big time waster. He just wants to email/discuss his fantasy but go no further.

Has anyone had a real experience with a session like this?
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:39 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS View Post
Im sorry to say it, but it has been my experience that when guy contacts me about a cuckhold session he is a big time waster. He just wants to email/discuss his fantasy but go no further. (And, no, I didn't perform oral sex, or any sex, with him.)

Has anyone had a real experience with a session like this?
Yes. I have had two experiences. In the first, the guy was so repulsive (to me) that I actually got up and left. Perhaps that's why I think long and hard before entering into this type of a scene. That one was a big waste of time and money, and my gag reflex still arises when I think about that experience, many years after the fact.

My second experience was so much better, in part, because the lady gave me lots of leeway in discussing my wants and needs from such a session. I understand you not wanting to waste a lot of time talking with a guy who may or may not go through with it, but the reality is the guy is stepping out of his normal role in life and feeling comfortable is critical for him.

I imagine this is not an easy scene to set up on your end, so I certainly don't discount your point of view. But I think it is a very big step for most men to take.

To any man considering this, I would remind you there are varying degrees of cuckoldry. Dipping a toe in, taking it slowly and cautiously can be a very worthwhile experience. But, it needs to be with a lady who really has a grasp of what your needs from a session like this are. It requires real discussion, IMO. Not one or two perfunctory emails.
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:47 AM   #6
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For some reason I could not edit the post. But it dawns on me that many may think my gag reflex was attributable to performing oral sex on the guy, as that CAN be a component of cuckolding.


He was repulsive for different reasons (not physical, btw).
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Old 04-08-2011, 10:41 AM   #7
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oops, I was just reminded I have had 3 experiences, although the very first one was aborted, because I couldn't get past my own ego and masculinity. That one was totally my bad.
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Old 04-08-2011, 04:35 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS View Post
Im sorry to say it, but it has been my experience that when guy contacts me about a cuckhold session he is a big time waster. He just wants to email/discuss his fantasy but go no further.

Has anyone had a real experience with a session like this?

I have, and it was excellent!
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Old 04-08-2011, 11:11 PM   #9
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The biggest issues I ran into when trying to arrange this type of session was the provider would say "call me when you are ready". Well, yeah right. I just call up and you are able to get a "bull"? No thanks. And they also want another donation for the guy. no thanks on giving him money. I have also read its hard to get the "bull" too...so this is probably the most difficult session to arrange unless you don't care to pay more, don't care whether the guy is repulsive or not and whether it may only be fantasy since she couldn't get a "bull" when you called her. It needs to be arranged and discussed from what I see.
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Old 04-09-2011, 11:18 AM   #10
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If a provider does have a male S.O. its quite possible that something very well could be arranged Tulsa, or if a Bull is reading this and has a group of independent women that he is training to be in this lifestyle I'm willing to discuss matters.

Whoa! I feel as if I've been chastised for even bringing up the subject, given no slack. Good use of an exclamation point Wicked Milf, it seems to signify a severe tongue lashing. However I agree with you as well, I want more action and less talk but finding the right Woman is a lot harder than one can possibly imagine. Taken in a different context it is, "MFm, to what extent do you allow yourself to be uninhibited." Do you agree? I was not inferring to anyone who is in the hobby and enjoys cuckolding is in a relationship of anysort. On that note though, there is a higher degree of heartache and pain for the cuck if a couple is in a Cuckold relationship vs. the typical 1 hour appointment if you get the jist of what I'm saying. I am looking to put action behind these words and I realize that it will require some planning because if we all lived in the same town it would make things a whole lot easier. I haven't folded my hand yet.

More to come....
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Old 04-09-2011, 03:52 PM   #11
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Old 04-09-2011, 06:43 PM   #12
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I have done it...I set it up, I ahave guy friends who are into the lifestyle, they dont expect to get paid...

if its a fantasy and you are for real then count me in...
Role Play is my speciality...
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Old 04-09-2011, 07:14 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Princess_laeya View Post
I have done it...I set it up, I ahave guy friends who are into the lifestyle, they dont expect to get paid...

if its a fantasy and you are for real then count me in...
Role Play is my speciality...
Great showcase!
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Old 04-11-2011, 10:53 AM   #14
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Noted Princess Laeya! Would you like to discuss things in a more formal manner? As in private email.
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Old 04-11-2011, 11:32 AM   #15
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You brought up a good topic. No one suggested otherwise.

My post was not directed at you nor any one personally. It was a general comment and not a tongue lashing.

I stand by my comment. Because in truth too many men (not saying all) but too many men do too much talking about their fantasies and never follow through on them. Period! Even when they found a lady who *understands* and is willing/wanting/ready to help them explore their fantasies and has taken the time to arrange it. Especially the cuckold fantasy.
If you found the right parties who are willing & ready to help you explore & enjoy your fantasy. Then Just Do IT! Stop talking about it.

Originally Posted by CPT Savajo View Post

Whoa! I feel as if I've been chastised for even bringing up the subject, given no slack. Good use of an exclamation point Wicked Milf, it seems to signify a severe tongue lashing. However I agree with you as well, I want more action and less talk but finding the right Woman is a lot harder than one can possibly imagine. Taken in a different context it is, "MFm, to what extent do you allow yourself to be uninhibited." Do you agree? I was not inferring to anyone who is in the hobby and enjoys cuckolding is in a relationship of anysort. On that note though, there is a higher degree of heartache and pain for the cuck if a couple is in a Cuckold relationship vs. the typical 1 hour appointment if you get the jist of what I'm saying. I am looking to put action behind these words and I realize that it will require some planning because if we all lived in the same town it would make things a whole lot easier. I haven't folded my hand yet.

More to come....
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