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Old 04-03-2017, 07:39 AM   #1
Buddys Place
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Default "Soul clutter' from sex with many partners?

So I have done bbfscip with many, many women. According to this new age article, it leads to soul clutter or something. Your opinions please?

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Old 04-03-2017, 07:49 AM   #2
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Really I don't think so , just saying
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Old 04-03-2017, 12:28 PM   #3
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Quote from the article - " This type of “soul clutter” can be felt by your partner’s subconscious. Even if they are not completely in tune or aware of the extra-curricular sexual activities, they still are able to sense the subtle disturbances of multiple energies and/or familiar spirits that have entered causing restlessness and inner turmoil."

I haven't been hobbying long ( about 4 months or so, and until I started, only been with the wife my whole life), but had a conversation about something like this with a provider just last week. Since I've started hobbying, my wife has been demanding more sex and she has been trying to spice things up by doing things she normally wouldn't do.

I'm pretty sure she is clueless about me hobbying. As I was telling the provider, it is almost like sub consciously, her inner self knows something is different and her relationship is at risk and doing what she can to fight off the threat and preserve us.

Normally I would consider stuff like the article BS, but the timing of my conversation last week and this article sort of makes me wonder.
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Old 04-03-2017, 12:41 PM   #4
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If that's the case I have left my soul in countless 20 something's named ginger or Lexi or whatever and am a walking zombie.
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Old 04-03-2017, 01:49 PM   #5
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Are you a religious person who finds new age spirituality satisfying? Christians would tell you having multiple partners is sinful and separates you from God. Buddhists would tell you that the goal of life is to eliminate all desire. I doubt that they would think that having multiple partners is moving you closer to nirvana. Unless you find new age as a whole a satisfying way to organize your view of life, I would suggest you give it neither more nor less credence than you do all the other religions.
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Old 04-03-2017, 03:28 PM   #6
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My goal life is to shoot my life force energy into the birth canals of all the hot ladies in the world.
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Old 04-03-2017, 04:54 PM   #7
Buying a *Way to Heaven
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Default So if you swallow all your own jizz...

...you'll become a New Age Superman from all that repurposed life force. Do it!
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Old 04-03-2017, 06:23 PM   #8
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Two theories. First I consider pretty flighty but here it is: When you bang someone, they are basically sharing their body chemistry with you. Fluids get exchanged, not just semen, but vaginal secretions, even if you wear a condom. You exchange sweat, etc. A lot of biochemistry passes between you. So you are carrying trace amts of chemical signatures from other women's bodies. Sex chemicals, too. When you fuck your wife, her body gets your chemicals *and* the chemicals from the whores you have been fucking. Her body detects this and knows to keep her mate she better start putting out harder or you'll knock up some other female and she'll get you. So this registers subconsciously in your wife and her subc tells her to up her game to stay competitive w/ the other women you're banging.

Like I said, it's flighty. The 2nd theory seems more plausible. It's this: Men naturally pay more attn to women when we want to fuck them. You are thus a lot more likely to pay attn to your wife when you're horny. She digs this so she deliberately withholds sex to keep you paying attn to her. (In mono rel'ps, women pull this kind of shit all the time. That is why I'm poly AND I bang whores. This way, women can't get away w/ this bullshit on me.) Anyway, now that you are wisely not putting up with your wife's bullshit little manipulative games, you are not acting like a stupid horny easily-manipulated teenage boy. Now, she's worried. She sees she has lost some power over you but isn't sure why. So she is upping her game and has started fucking you again, even started getting kinky. She is hoping you start sexualizing her again so you start acting like the easily-controlled sissified married guy she so loves to fuck with. But don't do it. Keep banging whores, fuck them in ways your manipulative wife'd never let you. (Have threesomes, fuck girls in the ass, nut on their faces, etc., all shit wifey'd never dream of doing.)

Now ask yourself if putting up w/ a game-playing sex-only-when-she-absolutely-must woman full-time in your life is worth your money and trouble.

You can guess my answer: Unless she is a confirmed bisexual nymphomaniac who loves to obsessively suck cock like it's a popsickle on a 100-degree day, loves to bury her face in other women's vaginas, and loves getting fucked hard daily by not just me but several men of her own choosing, I see absolutely no reason to even consider marrying her. I was married for 8 years. I tried several times to get her to suck and fuck other guys. She just wouldn't. We finally split up but believe it or not, not bc she was incurably monogamous. But anyway, my post-marriage criteria for considering marriage to a woman has changed dramatically. If I am to risk my savings, home, etc., on a relationship with a contract for it, it will have to be with a woman who freely and openly confesses to and embraces her utter adoration for frequent sex with lots of people, who loves to come and make others come, and whose hair I can gently stroke as she gets gangbanged by a 10-man train while I whisper "I love you darling, come for me again..." in her lovely, precious ear. And if she's also a professional whore, all the better. Whores need love, too.

Other than that I see absolutely no reason to take such a ridiculous risk again any time soon.

Originally Posted by OneStarLuck07 View Post
I haven't been hobbying long ( about 4 months or so, and until I started, only been with the wife my whole life), but had a conversation about something like this with a provider just last week. Since I've started hobbying, my wife has been demanding more sex and she has been trying to spice things up by doing things she normally wouldn't do.

I'm pretty sure she is clueless about me hobbying. As I was telling the provider, it is almost like sub consciously, her inner self knows something is different and her relationship is at risk and doing what she can to fight off the threat and preserve us.

Normally I would consider stuff like the article BS, but the timing of my conversation last week and this article sort of makes me wonder.
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Old 04-03-2017, 06:37 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven View Post
...you'll become a New Age Superman from all that repurposed life force. Do it!
You, sir, are channeling Kama. You are a Hobby Brahman.
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Old 04-06-2017, 08:06 AM   #10
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Lets cut through the social warrior bull crap and say this, if the SOs would do there job fuck and suck no one would be on the site. I believe that the more souls you get to meet in life the better happier you soul is in this life . Just my opinion.
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Old 04-06-2017, 08:23 AM   #11
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Agreed. The basic problem w/ monogamy is it's anti-competitive. Once a woman is in a purportedly mono rel'p, like any monopolist, she becomes complacent and exploitive. Not into sex? No prob. No need to do it. Her husband is stuck w/ her under the terms of monogamy. Thus she happily exploits his unmet sexual needs by leading him on, etc. She laughs all the way to the bank, then has the gall to cry foul when he so much as looks at another woman. The Female Monogamy Racket has been going on for centuries. No wonder hookers are so popular.

Both men and women are happier when they have mult. sex partners, esp. men. But I have met a few hookers/civilian women who couldn't say no to any given hard cock even with a gun to their mothers' heads. But the desire for polysexuality is far more common in males.

Polyamory is the key to keeping rel'ps exciting and keeping ppl on their toes (or backs). Both sexes, once they see they have competition relationship-wise and sexually, suddenly become more responsive. It works w/ hookers as well as "ordinary women". After all, hookers ARE ordinary women who are just a lot more honest about their goals with men vs. other women. Ie, they have more integrity than "ordinary women".

If I date or try to date a woman, I tell her up-front I am poly, and why. I make it clear she is free to do whatever she wants to with others, and has no obligation to inform me. I am fine with women, even ones I love deeply, being as promiscuous as they want to be, and need not tell me about it. Their bodies, their business. Consequently I'd happily date a hooker if we wanted to do so and be glad for her that she is getting banged by a lot by diff guys, since it brings her happiness.

Being poly and also fucking whores is as close to male sexual and personal liberation from the Female Monogamy Racket as men can get these days. After all, if women can be liberated, so can men. And I for one think it is high time we re-claimed our personal power in the sexual arena. Men's Liberation is long overdue.

Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Lets cut through the social warrior bull crap and say this, if the SOs would do there job fuck and suck no one would be on the site. I believe that the more souls you get to meet in life the better happier you soul is in this life . Just my opinion.
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Old 04-06-2017, 04:27 PM   #12
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This is exactly what my wife and I have.
No one believes me when I tell them that I have a 23 year old girlfriend and my wife has met her.

It makes us both happy and we have been together for 26 years. My girlfriend and I have been with each other for 5 years April 4th. We spend every weekend together and go on vacation together.

If people were more honest with each other things would be so much better but women and men have to be "the only one" while one or both go out and fuck someone else and get mad.

Originally Posted by spa999 View Post
Agreed. The basic problem w/ monogamy is it's anti-competitive. Once a woman is in a purportedly mono rel'p, like any monopolist, she becomes complacent and exploitive. Not into sex? No prob. No need to do it. Her husband is stuck w/ her under the terms of monogamy. Thus she happily exploits his unmet sexual needs by leading him on, etc. She laughs all the way to the bank, then has the gall to cry foul when he so much as looks at another woman. The Female Monogamy Racket has been going on for centuries. No wonder hookers are so popular.

Both men and women are happier when they have mult. sex partners, esp. men. But I have met a few hookers/civilian women who couldn't say no to any given hard cock even with a gun to their mothers' heads. But the desire for polysexuality is far more common in males.

Polyamory is the key to keeping rel'ps exciting and keeping ppl on their toes (or backs). Both sexes, once they see they have competition relationship-wise and sexually, suddenly become more responsive. It works w/ hookers as well as "ordinary women". After all, hookers ARE ordinary women who are just a lot more honest about their goals with men vs. other women. Ie, they have more integrity than "ordinary women".

If I date or try to date a woman, I tell her up-front I am poly, and why. I make it clear she is free to do whatever she wants to with others, and has no obligation to inform me. I am fine with women, even ones I love deeply, being as promiscuous as they want to be, and need not tell me about it. Their bodies, their business. Consequently I'd happily date a hooker if we wanted to do so and be glad for her that she is getting banged by a lot by diff guys, since it brings her happiness.

Being poly and also fucking whores is as close to male sexual and personal liberation from the Female Monogamy Racket as men can get these days. After all, if women can be liberated, so can men. And I for one think it is high time we re-claimed our personal power in the sexual arena. Men's Liberation is long overdue.
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Old 04-06-2017, 06:09 PM   #13
Chung Tran
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I'm not sure about "Soul clutter".. but I have this, from having fingered many black girls.

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Old 04-06-2017, 06:33 PM   #14
El Hombre de la Mancha
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Soul Clutter comes from Soul Train?
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