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Old 03-09-2017, 07:08 PM   #1
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Default "Are prostitutes basically sociopathic?"

"Are prostitutes basically sociopathic?"

Shrinks have studied men who frequent prostitutes and determined that they are more likely, in some cases much more likely, than the average man to be sociopathic. This is because hypersexuality is a common co-occurring trait in sociopaths. To consider the DSM def'n of sociopathy, go to the source:


A. There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
2. deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
5. reckless disregard for safety of self or others
6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.

B. The individual is at least age 18 years.

C. There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.

D. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or a manic episode.

OK, let's take them one at a time:

#1: Check. Turning tricks, using drugs, engaging in various cons, all typify the life of the average whore. All illegal, still, anyway. Possibly some don't do the third, but consider this: how many times do pros. lie to clients in an effort to pique or maintain their interest in them? No more perhaps than the average salesperson trying to unload something, but still, sociopathy has also been shown to exist at greater rates among salespeople than others. So it only goes to show. And as for hypersexuality? Need I even comment? I mean, lots of whores LOVE getting fucked 8 ways from Sunday by *many* different men. I am quite certain some hypersexual women go into turning tricks so they can feed their need and make a living. It can be hard *not* banging all the guys in the office 8 hours a day, you know. A girl has needs.

#2: Again, check. People don't name their daughters "Lexxi" or "Trixxi", now do they? And how many whores lead the complicated lives they do because they have done things like ruin their credit because they in essence got caught trying to do something bad, or simply didn't bother to repay their credit cards? Simply not paying rent or debts is a kind of theft by deception: "I'll pay you back," followed by not doing it.

#3: Yep. "Can you give me a ride to...", "Can you please pick me up and...", etc. No car? No problem. MAYBE a trick will take you someplace. If not, oh well. What ya gonna do? I am amazed at how many whores I have met who have no plan B for anything and only come up with plan A when they absolutely have to. Still, it's remarkable how often things actually do work out for them, possibly because their tricks are too easily manipulated into abetting them. (See #7)

#4: Sometimes. Some whores are spazes. Not all, just some.

#5: Banging men you just met for money. You have NO idea if this guy is going to kill/rape you. Yet, you do it anyway.

#6: Need I even comment?

#7: OMG, yes. The depths of ruthless emotional and social manipulation even the most recently-minted whore is capable of would make Gordon Gekko blush with shame at being such a lightweight. If you are 3 steps in your thinking, trust me, she is 10 steps ahead. Parting you from as much money as she can get from you is part and parcel of many whores' agendas. Of course, she must suss out her trick. What is this guy's deal? If I *ask* him for another 40, will he just hand it over? Or will he be annoyed? If after I bang him and ask really nicely, will he give me another 20? How can I get him to drive me to __(blank)__ then back to ___(blank)___? The list goes on. Of course, the scale of the typical whore is rather small. World-class manipulation that causes men to part with millions only happens to men who have the millions to part with, undertaken by sociopathic women at the top of their game. But the principle is the same. Utilize the trick's "weaknesses" to get what you need/want from him: empathy, emotional attachment, neuroses, innocence, cluelessness, etc. Whatever can be exploited.

B, C, and D: Well, the only thing that may not take is C. But show me one kid who does not behave sociopathically when measured by adult behavioral standards. Lying, manipulation, and indifference to others' feelings is part and parcel of childhood. Cynical of me? No. Just ruthlessly honest.

There are sociopaths, then there are sociopaths. The kind that murder and rape are categorically worse than whore sociopathy. But the difference is in style as well as degree. Sociopathy, like sanity, is a scale. Less a binary state, more of a *condition*. To some degree, all of us are a bit sociopathic. Indeed, just about any form of selfishness (a trait that is a necessary one to survival) could be construed as tending toward an anti-social state. But the typical person can and does feel empathy, remorse, connectedness to others (esp. as a result of having sex with them repeatedly), etc. The sociopath does not feel these things, or if they do, only in small amounts. In any case, not enough for it to affect their behavior. That is why sociopaths can be punished but it has no effect on their behavior. The rest of us transgress, get slapped, and think twice before transgressing again. Sociopaths don't care, ultimately, what even happens to them, much less anyone else.

I am not saying all whores are complete sociopaths. I am merely suggesting that whores, like a fair number of regular johns might be, are likely farther down the scale of sociopathy than is the average woman.

I also think that the prostitute lifestyle might push someone toward being more sociopathic. If she didn't start out that way, the demands of the lifestyle will change her to be more that way perhaps out of practicality. I have heard it said, "You become what you do." Bet if you had made Mother Theresa turn tricks, it wouldn't have been long before she was behaving very much like the typical whore does when it comes to the above. Indeed, how many perfectly decent peace-loving men have been turned into stone-cold killers by the demands of the battlefield? Too many to count.

So there you have it. Thoughts?
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Old 03-09-2017, 07:17 PM   #2
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My thoughts are that you are totally full of self imprortant shit and badly need to
find another hobby. Perhaps you are describing yourself and think every guy here is like you?
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Old 03-09-2017, 07:24 PM   #3
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Thank you for your feedback and I look forward to further commentary from you.

Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged View Post
My thoughts are that you are totally full of self imprortant shit and badly need to
find another hobby. Perhaps you are describing yourself and think every guy here is like you?
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Old 03-09-2017, 08:26 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by spa999 View Post
"Are prostitutes basically sociopathic?"

Shrinks have studied men who frequent prostitutes and determined that they are more likely, in some cases much more likely, than the average man to be sociopathic. ...
How did you jump from "men who frequent prostitutes" to "prostitutes?"

And another thought: your misogyny is, well, monumental. If your opinion of sex workers is so negative, what are you doing here?
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Old 03-09-2017, 08:45 PM   #5
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Default Just calling it

Just saying that the behavior of many pros. fits a clinical pattern. And there is nothing misogynistic about that. It's simply recognizing the reality in front of me. And you may as well accuse me of misandry too, since I have also pointed out that men who frequent prostitutes are more likely to be sociopaths than men are typically, according to studies.

I am a ruthlessly realistic person. In my line of work, one must deal in realities. Not ideals. And there is no room for fooling myself. The more in touch with reality you live, generally, the happier you will be. Idealists and people who put others on pedestals tend to be rather miserable because life is a series of disappointing disillusionments.

As for what am I doing here? Getting reviews of whores. Why do I bang whores? B/c in the long run, they are cheaper than LTRs, esp. marriage. In addition, banging the same and only woman over and over sucks. So I bang whores. They are, ultimately, not too different from the typical wife. She, too, is manipulative and looking to get $$ out of you. The only difference is that wives deny this fact while whores do not. They are at least much more honest than the average married lady.

Both whores and wives will eventually be made obsolete with the advent of sex-bots.

Originally Posted by James1588 View Post
How did you jump from "men who frequent prostitutes" to "prostitutes?"

And another thought: your misogyny is, well, monumental. If your opinion of sex workers is so negative, what are you doing here?
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Old 03-09-2017, 08:58 PM   #6
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Who in the hell is puttng anyone on a pedestal here?
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Old 03-09-2017, 09:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by spa999 View Post
... I am a ruthlessly realistic person. In my line of work, one must deal in realities. Not ideals. And there is no room for fooling myself. The more in touch with reality you live, generally, the happier you will be. Idealists and people who put others on pedestals tend to be rather miserable because life is a series of disappointing disillusionments.
There is a sort of person who lives in a cesspool -- often, one of his own making -- and is firmly convinced that the entire universe is made of shit. Anyone who says otherwise is "fooling himself." Hold a bunch of violets under his nose, and he'll complain about the reek of dogshit.

At the callow age of 63, I'm distressed to find that my happiness is over, or soon will be, and that my life is about to dissolve into a series of disappointing disillusionments. When, exactly, does this start? And it's especially bad to think that the disillusionments are going to be disappointing. That's simply unacceptable. I think I'll insist on fully-satisfactory disillusionments. That way, maybe I can go on being happy.
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Old 03-09-2017, 09:07 PM   #8
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Outstanding. I want to use this as my sig.

Originally Posted by James1588 View Post
There is a sort of person who lives in a cesspool -- often, one of his own making -- and is firmly convinced that the entire universe is made of shit. Anyone who says otherwise is "fooling himself." Hold a bunch of violets under his nose, and he'll complain about the reek of dogshit.
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Old 03-09-2017, 09:12 PM   #9
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Well, it's all "clinical", apparently. We are all in test labs, being "studied ".
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Old 03-09-2017, 10:11 PM   #10
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What in the misogynist foolishness? Pathologizing sex workers and making all manner of wild speculations about their emotion well being or lack of emotional well being due to the fact that they are sex workers was totally what I was getting at here...

Originally Posted by Lena Duvall View Post
The type of commentary where some vehemently assert that affection, intimacy, and emotions are completely fake if they transpire between a companion and her guest really leave me scratching my head and wondering why those who truly believe that are even members of this community rather than investing their energy in non-P4P civvie dating spaces.
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Old 03-09-2017, 10:24 PM   #11
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FOS - not to dance on your eagerness to complete another analysis essay but damn I also deal in reality and some folks are just Full Of Shit... Hell pick you up a coke can, stick your dick in, give it a whirl and you will then my friend have created your very own sex-bot, all the12oz's that fits a realistic mind in need of testing. Take another hit on whatever your smoking then try analyzing your simple ccbot and you may possibly be able to fk yourself 8 ways and back LoL..
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Old 03-10-2017, 05:27 AM   #12
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I miss Yitzchak....
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Old 03-10-2017, 05:38 AM   #13
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Above all else, I prize honesty. Thank you. But I must insist I am not motivated by misogyny. I am motivated by a relentless thirst for truth. And fucking. I am also motivated by the desire to fuck.

Originally Posted by Lena Duvall View Post
What in the misogynist foolishness? Pathologizing sex workers and making all manner of wild speculations about their emotion well being or lack of emotional well being due to the fact that they are sex workers was totally what I was getting at here...
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Old 03-10-2017, 05:39 AM   #14
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You have brought a smile to my face and indeed my very heart.

Originally Posted by baja4wd View Post
FOS - not to dance on your eagerness to complete another analysis essay but damn I also deal in reality and some folks are just Full Of Shit... Hell pick you up a coke can, stick your dick in, give it a whirl and you will then my friend have created your very own sex-bot, all the12oz's that fits a realistic mind in need of testing. Take another hit on whatever your smoking then try analyzing your simple ccbot and you may possibly be able to fk yourself 8 ways and back LoL..
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Old 03-10-2017, 06:03 AM   #15
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You started out with an interesting thought. Are providers more apt to be sociopathic? You gave examples for the position that demonstrate their sociopathic behaviors. Then you displayed your own derogatory behavior in a response to people living in their own illusions (I think you knew this thread would provoke auch a response).

Your response got very derogatory with your language and then you just went on your on delusional tangent. You bottled ALL women into the category of being just sex toys and objects, not human. Wives are essential whores looking to get paid and working their hustle. You took any credibility you might of had and threw it out the window.

I feel pity for you if you really think this way. Let me be clear, all women can be very beautiful people, even providers. They all have emotions, display wonderful trauts at times and not so wonderful traits at other times. Just because a woman sells sex does not make her less than human. The intimacy, passion, and a lot of the orgasms are a lie and fake, but she is still human. She only fakes all the emotion with her clients, hence work for her. The rest of her day she is herself.

That is sociopathic behavior, but it is an act. Do acts tend to push us down a path, I think so and it has been documented. So, does being a provider tend to lead providers toward A diagnosis of sociopathy? Possibly, but not likely, she is acting and knows the difference between reality and work. I do not think Kaley Cuoco believes she is "Penny" when she goes home. She is an actress and knows where her reality is, she is not married to Leonard.

There is emotional damage created when women sell sex, this has been documented and scientifically proven. She creates the damage by dissociation. Some women handle that damage better than others. But this is not speculation, this is fact. One can believe that the universe goes around the Earth, but science has proven that theory wrong. The Earth goes around the Sun. When humans, men included sell their bodies as sex toys, they create some self inflicted emotional damage. Heterosexual men have sold themselves to.gay men and the result is dissociation and emotional damage just as it is for women selling themselves to men.

It is impossible to create the emotional attachment close enough to be considered intimacy in a few texts or calls and 15 minutes of face to face talk before sexual activities begin. Thus, the intimacy, emotion, and even oegasms are fake. Women need to feel close to achieve orgasm and you pay for sex, which she finds repulsive is the first and huge bar to her being close to you.
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