Originally Posted by harley3535
ok who knows how to fix my car without the shop.... lol my transmission is slipping gears but not all the time tryed bleeding them, fluid is full..... dont want to admit it might be going out... any ideas... lol
First off what kind of car do you have? year, make and model, and is it an Automatic or a manual Transmission? Typically if your transmission is slipping which means the engines revs up high before gear change and it's happening in a Automatic Transmission the problem can be a Clutch Pack, Fluid Pressure Sensor or something wrong with the electronics located in the Valve Body. If your Transmission is Manual Could be the clutch, Tensioner, or Synchronizer gear. I won't quote ya ant prices because I don't do Transmission work. But expect about a 300.00 fee to take out your transmission and diagnose the problem if you have the shop do the work they usually give you a break on that fee and add it into the total cost, each shop varies. Now another tip, GO TO A SHOP THAT DOES NOTHING BUT TRANSMISSION WORK. Why because it takes one hell of a guy to repair, rebuild or install a transmission, especially automatics. If you go to a shop that does an array of mechanic work and they say yea we do some transmission work and they quote you a low price thats what you'll get low price shanty work and in about 30 60-days you'll need a wrecker to tow your car to the shop again. Go to a very reputable Transmission Shop. Ask around, look around check the internet for reviews on various shops. Ball park figure if you need a Total rebuild on your transmission it can range from 1200-2500 bucks. Another tip if you need replacement parts. If you have a GM or Ford Vehicle ask if they use Borg Warner or Transgo after market parts they are rated quite reliable. So hope I've helped ya. Let me know what goes on ok.