Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
What the Trump administration needs to do is have some arrests made on members of the Obama administration. They are nothing but trouble makers anyway.
you mean for doing things like this with the DOJ?
CAUGHT! Shady Obama DOJ ‘Slush Fund’ Was Laundering Money to Leftist Front Groups
Obama is dismayed and beside himself not that Trump will tear his so-called Legacy down, it's that
Trump now controls the DOJ and not Clinton so his ass is flapping in the wind.
i think Trump would have let Obama fade away if he kept his libtard mouth shut, but if he gets all obstreperous he might find himself under indictment
he should be indicted anyway, there is no way this libatd jerk was President for 8 years without many skeletons in those White House closets. and now Lord Emperor .. er .. Der Fuhrer .. ah .. President Trump has the keys to da House. bahhaaa