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Old 02-23-2017, 12:45 PM   #1
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Angry Bareback Requests & Denying Them's Reprocussions...

So for the past few months I've been a subscriber on the thread where guys have claimed that I've cashed and dashed, or where they haven't received the full amount of time.... so on and so forth... I've had a few comments or things that really got under my skin as the time has gone on but I haven't said shit. Today, Ive reached my boiling point.

The truth of the matter is I used to be a very risky provider. I was strung out Removed GL Violation among other things and had a "manager" that thought unprotected sex with a client was erotic and he enjoyed cream pies by them and giving them to me..
You get the idea.

In order to please him and his "fantasies" and because I simply didn't care about myself I engaged in unprotected activities with clients on numerous occasions, and not usually the same individual.,

However, when I got clean that changed right along with my Removed use, the one gent who claims that my Pimp and him got into an altercation, actually told me his member couldn't stay hard with a glove and was quite forceful that it be done a different way. When I explained that I couldn't, he talked about how he knew I could. I then had to ask for help from my driver out of a bad situation.

Now timeout let's discuss this, yes, some of us have drivers, I was managed for many years, and many of you didn't know, you actually thought I was the manager of many of the females which isn't the case. But are you all in belief that when going to a strangers housem often in the middle of the night that we should be alone? Who is that Safier for? Why should you care if my driver is in the car if you don't plan on doing any wrong, and your discretion is still being fully respected (parked in specific area, car off, in driveway, not in driveway, etc.)

I feel I'm rambling, and I've already put to much of my time into this post for a board like Eccie, but I just want to say, that in the 8 years I've been providing, I've never stolen. Now when guys have started to push my limits, yes I have cut appointments, and even agreed to do webcam shows and not done them. But trust me there is always two sides to every story. As long as you plan on respecting my boundaries, i.e. Wearing a glove, I can guarantee we will get along just fine and you'll have a great time with Mel

Lastly, don't like my body, cool! Move the fuck on then. Because where my body lacks, my mind and mouth deliver, I'm an attractive female inside and outside of this industry and refuse to go down as anything less.

Whatever Bb list I was put on, I'm asking I please be removed and I'm reminding everyone of how risky such behaviors are.


Attached image is message from reFerenced gent offering to help give me a good review, AT A COST!!
This is one of many.

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Old 02-23-2017, 01:58 PM   #2
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LOL. What do you mean a board like ECCIE? Fuck off you skank. Anyone that believes the shit that comes out of your mouth is stupid enough that you should have their money.
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Old 02-23-2017, 02:02 PM   #3
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Really that's all you can say to that entire post. I would venture to say you request bb
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Old 02-23-2017, 02:21 PM   #4
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I bb a bunch of SA girls. I'd never use any data on my phone to even contact you. Your reputation precedes you. Go back to indys with the moo mafia. It's where you belong. Nobody gives a shit about what you have to say here...
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Old 02-23-2017, 02:27 PM   #5
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You just admitted again to taking guys money, your credibility is completely gone with most guys on here. I work where you advertise and I think your pictures look good but I will never call you because of your posts.
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Old 02-23-2017, 02:34 PM   #6
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Yes, because your opinion means so much to me. What a snappy come back. Not only a skank but a stupid one.
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Old 02-23-2017, 02:56 PM   #7
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And you probably SHOULD be paying guys to give you good reviews. I certainly haven't seen many good things said about you.
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Old 02-23-2017, 03:58 PM   #8
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I really have no dog in this hunt. I have not met you, and all I know is what's been posted on eccie. Having said that, it seems that your attitude is the problem here. By your own admission, you have taken money for a webcam show and not done the show and kept the money. That is theft; even if that was the only time, you are a theif. As such, you have rightfully lost the trust of this community, the community you are relying on for your business. Why should you be indignant and offended when guys point out that you are a thief? You should apologize and either provide the service you agreed to or refund the money. That would go a long way toward repairing your image.

You also admit to doing bbfs in the past. If you no longer wish to do so, that's your perrogative. However, given your history in this regard, it's understandable that guys will continue to ask for it. Again, simply don't do it, but lose the attitude. I saw nothing wrong with the message you posted. The guy obviously wanted bbfs and knew you have provided bbfs. He offered you a positive review if he got what he was looking for. Positive reviews are earned by satisfying customers; you are not entitled to them just for showing up and not stealing.

Like I said, bbfs is something you have every right to not provide. If you are serious, though, be firm and consistent. You could deny it to 100 straight guys, but if you do it for number 101, you will be known as a bbfs provider. Accept the reality that guys are going to ask. Politely but firmly decline. Conduct your business in an honest and forthright manner. Be patient.

You can change your image, but it will take time. You must also realize that some guys will never change their opinions. Don't worry about it; you don't need everyone's business to succeed. Good luck and I do hope you are sincere about trying to change. Start by taking a good hard look in the mirror.
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Old 02-23-2017, 05:12 PM   #9
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Wow smarty that was a great post.
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Old 02-23-2017, 05:34 PM   #10
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Can someone point me to the location of this BBFS list? You know just so I know which providers to avoid.
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Old 02-23-2017, 05:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by BrittanyDymond View Post
I've never stolen. Now when guys have started to push my limits, yes I have cut appointments, and even agreed to do webcam shows and not done them.
Means you have stolen. This reminds me of the Dave Chappelle skit where he is Rick James and he says he never rubbed his dirty platform shoes all over Charlie Murphy's white couch. Then in the next sentence said he rubbed his dirty platform shoes all over Charlie Murphy's white couch.

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Old 02-23-2017, 07:12 PM   #12
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The one thing that really pisses me off is that as guys we get banned for doing stupid shit and saying stupid shit yet this whore just admitted she stole from someone and still is allowed to advertise here? That's just fucking wrong. Not that anyone of us are taking her bait but still she shouldn't even have the chance. She literally just admitted she is a fucking thief!! I'm not tatts' biggest fan but at least the guy never stole from anyone and if he did he wasn't dumb enough to admit it to everyone on the board!
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Old 02-23-2017, 07:33 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by BSer View Post
Can someone point me to the location of this BBFS list? You know just so I know which providers to avoid.
same here
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Old 02-23-2017, 09:57 PM   #14
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When I read 'wearing a glove', my first thought meant you wore an actual glove for a HJ.......

Upon reflection, I think I get the gist.

What's your policy on BBBJTC?
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Old 02-24-2017, 01:13 AM   #15
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Nothing wrong with that guy's message…don't blame him for your misfortune.
You dug your own grave. Deal with it.
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