Originally Posted by Wakeup
Why? Hasn't the crown tattoo been associated with a pimp brand in the past? I'm not alleging that she is pimped, I'm saying the tattoo that she has is associated with pimps. Whether she is pimped, or just has bad taste in tattoos, is irrelevant to me.
Mostly false according to this fact check on Snopes.
"It’s likely that some pimps chose a crown as the brand forcibly inked upon their victims. But nothing in the CNN report suggested that crowns are universal (or even common) among tattoos forced on unwilling sex workers."
"Moreover, crown tattoos are a popular choice among the inked. We found no evidence that crown tattoos were linked to sex trafficking before 7 September 2015; however, we located a number of proudly-displayed, intentionally-chosen crown tattoo examples: ..."